1. The sorrows of life seemed trivial to you, so
You donned the garb of sincere repentance, and it faded away.
١. تَرَاءَت لك الدنيا الخؤون فحلّتِ
عرى توبَةٍ أبرمتها فاضمحلَّتِ
2. You persevered till you attained it,
Then erased any blemishes once it appeared to you.
٢. تكلّفتهاحتى إذا ما اقتنصتها
محت أم دفرٍ رسمها إذ تجلتِ
3. He who does not come to it with insight
Will not attain it, even if he strives, then turns away.
٣. تكلّف مَن لَم يأتها عن بصيرَةٍ
فما أقبلت حتى انثَنَت وتولّتِ
4. Turn away from this life and complete your separation from it
A definite separation - it is the worst companion.
٤. تَجافَ عن الدنيا وأمضٍِ طَلاقَها
طَلاقَ بَتاتٍ إنَّها شرُّ خِلّةٍ
5. You attained a blessed time, whose calm was undisturbed,
And witnessed intimacy that was not tainted by heedlessness.
٥. تَنَل طِيبَ وقتٍ لم يُكَدِّر صفاؤه
ومشهَدَ أنسٍ لم يُدَنَّس بغفلةِ
6. And you aspired to a state of honor
Brought to you by the Guide, the Clear Proof.
٦. وتَرقَ لحال في بساطِ كرامةٍ
أتاكَ بها الهادي المبين الأدِلّةِ
7. The world shone with the light of his forehead,
So I turned my face towards him, for he is my qibla.
٧. تَلألأتِ الدُّنيا لِنُورِ جَبِينِه
فولَّيتُوجهِي شَطرَهُ فهو قِبلَتِي
8. He leaned towards me, so his trunk longed - how could
My heart not yearn for him, and my downpour not flood for him?
٨. تنآءى فحنَّ الجذعُ شوقاً فكيفَ لاَ
يحنُّ له قلبي وتنهلُّ مُقلَتِي
9. Seek intercession through him, O you guilty one
Whose life was spent in misery and misguidance,
٩. تَوَسَّل به يا أيها المُذنِبُ الذي
مَضَى العمرُ مِنهُ في شقاءٍ وضلَّةِ
10. Visit, O best of creation, Muhammad,
The prayers of one tearful in regret and overwhelmed.
١٠. تَزُوركَ يا خيرَ الأنام مُحَمَّداً
صلاَةُ شَجٍ في عَبرَةٍ مستهلَّة