
He stretched the rope of his tent and spread out its sides,

ومد من رحل العطاط وردنه

1. He stretched the rope of his tent and spread out its sides,
Like the stars spread over the evening horizons.

١. وَمَدَّ مِن رَحلِ العَطاطِ وَرَدنَهُ
َقَدَ النَجومَ عَلى المَغارِبِ دُفَّعُ

2. My boy let down his bucket, hoping to draw with it
Some water to quench the thirsty heart of a worried man.

٢. أَدلى غُلامي دَلوَهُ يَبغي بِها
وَشلاً لِيَنشَحَ قَلبَ صادٍ يَهلَعُ

3. It came back covered with spider webs, as if
It were the garment of a house left hanging on a pole.

٣. فَأَتَت بِنَسجِ العَنكَبوتِ كَأَنَّهُ
ثَوبُ المَقامِ عَلى العِصِيِّ مُشَرَّعُ

4. So he twisted the rope and threw it over a saddle blanket
And the side of a gently-swaying portable house.

٤. فَلَوى الرَشاءَ وَطَرَت فَوقَ شَمَلَّةٍ
وَجناءَ دانِيَةِ المِراحِ تَلَذَّعُ