
The news of culture in Rusafa is truthful

نبأ الثقافة بالرصافة صادق

1. The news of culture in Rusafa is truthful
Its necklace adorned the neck of Rusafa, truthful

١. نبأ الثقافة بالرصافة صادق
حلى بها جيد الرصافة صادق

2. In the battlefront of the nation it shone as a crescent
Its flashing glare was brilliant

٢. في جبهة الوطن استضاءت غرّة
متألق منها الوميض البارق

3. Its wrists were adorned with the elegance of its merit
So it was adorned by it the garden of perfect grace

٣. جيدت خمائلها برونق فضله
فزها به روض الكمال الرائق

4. With the eloquence of speech that was melodiously composed
At the peak of rhetoric, they are its shining stars

٤. ببراعة الكلم اللواتي لحن في
أوج البيان فهن فيه شوارق

5. It has won the crop of the bet up to the horizon
Lingering, as it is the outrunning forefront

٥. قصب الرهان إلى المدى قد حازها
متمهلا فهو المجلي السابق

6. It scattered the jewels of its words and they aligned
For the scatterer of its pearls and the aligner

٦. نثرت جواهر لفظه وتناسقت
لله ناثر درّها والناسق

7. Congratulations O house of peace, knowledge
In its folds the hopes are fragrant

٧. تهنيك يا دار السلام معارف
في طيها نشر الأماني عابق

8. Iraq was longing for its like
Good news to the eager one, for the intriguing has come to it

٨. كان العراق لمثلها متشوقا
بشرى المشوق فقد اتاه الشائق

9. This is the day of knowledge that shone and cleared
From the face of your horizon the night of ignorance gloomy

٩. هذا نهار العلم اشرق وانجلى
عن وجه أفقك ليل جهل غاسق

10. You had the height, O eye of the countries
When their eyes were flags raised to you

١٠. قد كان يا عين البلاد لك العلى
أيام أعينها إليك روامق

11. The radiance of your beauty is pleasant and the glory
Of your knowledge sublime and the banner of your might fluttering

١١. فبهاء حسنك رائق وسناء
علمك فائق ولواء عزك خأفق

12. And the symposia of minds in you are schools
And the theaters of visions in you are gardens

١٢. ومسانح الألباب فيك مدارس
ومسارح الأحداق فيك حدائق

13. In you are the prominent philosophers of great stature
Who preceded without a subsequent being able to reach their extent

١٣. فيك الفلاسفة الجهابذة الألى
سبقوا ولم يدرك مداهم لاحق

14. I give you good news of success and this is
In success the years of hope speaking

١٤. إني بشيرك بالنجاح وهذه
بالنجح السنة الرجاء نواطق

15. For justice is a lasting shade, and knowledge
A fragrant rose, and living a tender branch

١٥. فالعدل ظل سابغ والعلم
ورد سائغ والعيش عود وارق