
O Qasim Al Aliya, oath of the high and its companion

يا قاسم العلياء يا

1. O Qasim Al Aliya, oath of the high and its companion
You are the one who if the leaders were counted would be their leader

١. يا قاسم العلياء يا
حلف العلى وأنيسها

2. If happiness arose and its suns shone upon you
This is the young man of Al Aliya, Isa, who borrowed its suns

٢. أنت الذي ان عدّت
الرؤساء كنت رئيسها

3. The saplings of his love thrived and affection watered their shoots
I feared for love that discord would taint its cups

٣. ان السعادة اطلعت
وجلت عليك شموسها

4. So turn to us before wars flare up and their turmoil

٤. هذا فتى العلياء عيسى
المستلين شموسها

٥. طابت مغارس وده
وسقى الوداد غروسها

٦. اني خشيت على المود
ة ان يشوب كؤوسها

٧. فاعطف علينا قبل ان
تذكي الحروب وطيسها