
For whom did the perfume of its meadows spread,

لمن الضريح تضوعت رياه

1. For whom did the perfume of its meadows spread,
As though musk was diffusing its fragrance?

١. لمن الضريح تضوعت رياه
فكأن نشر المسك نشر شذاه

2. It is a grave containing one from Ahmad's lineage,
A full moon that illuminated the darkness and its brilliance shone.

٢. قبر تضمن من سلالة أحمد
بدراً جلا الظلماء لمع سناه

3. It contained virtues and merits in abundance,
With which its flowing stream was abundantly endowed.

٣. وحوى خضم فضائل وفواضل
يسترفد التيار فيض نداه

4. The soul that attained the abode of its secret was the soul of knowledge,
Its pure self realized the meaning of its utterance.

٤. قد حاز روح العلم موضع سره
نفس التقى لفظ الندى معناه

5. In it resided the unique, singular essence,
Who was the pride of his time and its summit.

٥. فيه اقام الجوهر الفرد الذي
قد كان مفخر عصره وعلاه

6. If peers and similars were compared to him in virtue,
The comparison would find in him every merit.

٦. يأتى القياس له بكل فضيلة
ان قيست النظراء والاشباه

7. He was foremost in every virtue,
Those striving along with him could not catch up to his extent.

٧. قد كان سباقاً لكل فضيلة
لا يدرك المتسابقون مداه

8. He unsheathed a sharp sword against degeneracy,
With rage cutting off the causes of disgrace.

٨. فل الردى منه حساما مرهفا
عضباً يفل الحادثات شباه

9. If it is said, "Who was the chain of glory?"
"His brother, his defender, and his father."

٩. ان قيل من للمجد كان سلسله
واخاه غير مدافع وأباه

10. He left behind a beautiful, praised memory,
Delighting the ears and mouths.

١٠. ابقى له الذكر الجميل محامداً
تلتذها الأسماع والأفواه

11. His symbol is given to drink from the Abundant Spring,
Not what the temporary world gave him to drink.

١١. من كوثر الفردوس يسقى رمسه
ما العارض المنهل ما سقياه