1. This is the fever of sand, and that is its refuge
So wonder at us scattering what we find
١. هذا حمى الرمل وذاك معهده
فعج بنا نبثه ما نجده
2. Be happy my friend, for the infatuated
Must have one who makes him happy
٢. كن مسعدي يا صاحبي فإنما
لا بد للولهان ممن يسعده
3. And blame the young man for telling of love
Even if sleep rests between my ribs
٣. وعلل الصب باخبار الغضا
وإن يكن بين ضلوعي رقده
4. My promise to him occurs in his gardens
Swaying, sweetly built, bending
٤. عهدي به يخطر في رياضه
مهفهف حلو القوام اغيده
5. He glances with eyes that killed his lover
Dear to the lion of the den is his revenge
٥. يرنو بطرف فاتك قتيله
عز على اسد العرين قوده
6. Sickly are the eyes that saw Babylon
At night she told him true stories, authentic in their transmission
٦. سقيم جفن قد روى عن بابل
سحرا لها روت صحيحاً سنده
7. In his pearl-like mouth is a treasure of gems
Scorpions of the cheeks lie in wait for him
٧. في ثغره الدري كنز جوهر
عقارب الاصداغ باتت ترصده
8. I fear to embrace his slender waist
At times from weakness I envy him
٨. اشفق من ضم النطاق خصره
لضعفه طورا وطورا احسده
9. He accepts the toothstick smiling
Protecting the slender stature its path
٩. يقبل المسواك منه مبسماً
يحمي بعسّال القوام مورده
10. Oh sleepy eyes, a youth has slumbered
Who would attain glory if he took a step
١٠. يا ناعس الاجفان سهدت فتى
كان لنيل العز قدماً سهده
11. Oh denier, you poured my blood into its hatred
Admit your sin, so how can you deny it?
١١. يا جاحدا سفك دمي في خبّه
اقرّ خداك فكيف تجحده
12. Were it not for passion, you would have found me
Most valiant, difficult to subdue
١٢. لولا الهوى لاقيت مني اغلباً
مستبسلا للذل صعباً مقوده
13. I supported the beauty and sultan of the world
Abdul Hamid, his Lord is his helper
١٣. ايدت بالحسن وسلطان الورى
عبد الحميد ربه مؤيده
14. He unsheathes the swords of God when he undresses
And looses the arrows when he reddens them
١٤. أمضى سيوف الله إذ يجرّده
وانفذ السهام إذ يسدره
15. From the covenant of God is his lofty crown
Greatest with the crown of the Majestic is his crowning
١٥. من عقد الله له تاج علا
أعظم بتاج ذو الجلال يعقده
16. The kings have submitted to him in awe
So he leads each stubborn rebel
١٦. قد خضعت له الملوك هيبة
فاقتاد منها كل صعب مقوده
17. He remains victorious over his enemies
Ripping their skulls with his lance
١٧. لازال منصوراً على اعدائه
يفتك في هاماتهم مهنده
18. He ruled over us with justice and fairness
For every oppressed who came seeking his help
١٨. ولى علينا عادلا منتصفاً
لكل مظلوم اتى يستنجده
19. Abdul Latif, that noble one who
Seeks help from the generous one who helps him
١٩. عبد اللطيف ذلك الشهم الذي
يسترفد التيار من يسترفده
20. And the just ruler whom with his opinion
The kingdom was paved and its pillars erected
٢٠. والحاكم العدل الذي برأيه
تمهد الملك وقامت عمده
21. Oh you who attain the glory of highness and happiness
Outstripping the seekers in their term
٢١. يا مدركاً شأو علا وسؤدد
يفوت سبق الطالبين أمده
22. Good tidings to the people of Karbala, for they
Won the noble cock, it's coronet adorned
٢٢. طوبى لأهل كربلا فانهم
فازوا بجحجاح كريم محتده
23. The torrents, when they flow into their river
Their worries are washed away, praise the one who repels them
٢٣. جلوت إذا جريت ماء نهرهم
همومهم فليشكرن من يرده
24. And compassion for you came to me, the like of which
A loving father never felt for his son
٢٤. وأدركتك رأفة لم يرها
من الأب الشفيق يوماً ولده
25. And how can the Euphrates disobey you after
Its flow became from your rain its supply?
٢٥. وكيف يعصيك الفرات بعدما
اصبح من فيض نداك مدده
26. So may God reward you the fullest reward
Of one whose goal was God's satisfaction through his struggle
٢٦. فيا جزاك الله أوفى ما جزى
مجاهداً رضا الأله مقصده
27. And may you remain in the most stable life
In the shade of the wings of bliss and plenty
٢٧. ودمت في ارغد عيش دائم
في ظل اكناف النعيم رغده
28. Your laughter brought beauty to the blossoms and adorned them
Like a necklace of thoughts arranged by my mind
٢٨. حيتك غيداء البنان زانها
عقد بنان فكرتي تنضّده
29. You say in the sweetest subtle words
Thanking you for a favor you deserve praise for
٢٩. تقول في اعذب قول رائق
شاكرة منك جميلا تحمده
30. Abdul Latif brought for us a spring
Like his generosity, quenching the thirst of its course
٣٠. اجرى لنا عبد اللطيف منهلا
كجوده ارخت ساغ مورده