
They tell me, who can one hope for generosity from?

يقولون لي من للمكارم يرتجى

1. They tell me, who can one hope for generosity from?
And who is there that the desperate can seek refuge under his shade?

١. يقولون لي من للمكارم يرتجى
ومن ذا الذي يأوي إلى ظله اللاجي

2. So I said, head to Dar Al-Salam, and make way
To the meadows of knowledge, though the hopeful was disappointed in reaching it.

٢. فقلت اقصدوا دار السلام ويمموا
ربوع علاماً خاب في قصدها الراجي

3. And smell the fragrance of virtuous chivalry,
And aspire to be like the bright lightning over Karkh roared.

٣. وشموا شذى عرف من العرف عاطر
وشيمواسنا برق على الكرخ وهاج

4. There lies Al-Suwaydi, in whose meadows
Is the destination of newcomers, and pilgrims of duty.

٤. هناك السويدي الذي في ربوعه
محط رحال الوافدين أولي الحاج

5. With the generous Al-Suwaydi family, the
Heavens of the High were adorned, though the aspirer despaired.

٥. بآل السويدي الكرام تزينت
سماء العلى وانجاب غيهبها الداجي

6. And Baghdad knew that its dean,
And protector of its sanctuary in hardships, is Abu Naji.

٦. وقد علمت بغداد ان عميدها
وحامى حماها في الخطوب ابو ناجي

7. When it wore the crown of pride, it was like Joseph,
And when its enemies scowled, it was like a precious crown.

٧. إذا لبست تاج الفخار فيوسف
وان رغمت اعداؤه درة التاج