1. Your virtues have blocked all paths,
So what can the tongue say if it spoke?
١. علي سدّت صفاتك الطرقا
فما يقول اللسان لو نطقا
2. You have reached me with loyalty though you separate from me,
O keeper of pearls, strung evenly.
٢. وصلتني بالوفا تفصل لي
يا خازن الدر لؤلؤا نسقا
3. You have imitated me while striving
To imitate the necklace with its like.
٣. قلدت مني وكنت مجتهدا
بمثله ان تقلد العنقا
4. You have set out perfection in every word,
With which every falsehood is made true.
٤. وقد شرعت الكمال في كلم
حق به كل باطل محقا
5. You have sent its signs speaking to me,
So my heart leapt at the mention - shocked.
٥. ارسلت آياته تكلمني
فخرّ قلبي لذكرها صعقا
6. Canal banks like gardens, flourishing,
From which I have grazed my leafy eyes.
٦. قواقياً كالرياض مونقة
أرعيت منها أحداقي الورقا
7. And you have come to me with eloquence, woven seamlessly,
Its composition and rhetoric composed.
٧. وجئتني بالبديع موئتنقا
طرازه والبيان متسقا
8. With meanings, which if they praise
A meaning, we see it stolen from them.
٨. وبالمعاني التي إذا مدحوا
معنى فمنها نراه مسترقا
9. No eloquence, O you who speaks freely, if
My thoughts were restricted though unconfined.
٩. لابدع يا مطلق المقال إذا
قيدت فكري وكان منطلقا
10. With letters - so gently handle them -
Until your sweetness has scented them.
١٠. باحرف فيا الطروس مسكها
طيبك حتى احالها عبقا
11. And wit which intelligence flashes through,
If lightning possessed it, it would have burned.
١١. وفطنة يبرق الذكاء بها
فلو بها البرق مرّ لاحترقا
12. And speech whose blade
Continually strips bare folly, sharp and smooth.
١٢. ومقول لا تزال شفرته
تستل في القيل صارماً ذلقا
13. All the kings of speech are subjected
By you to a king who marshals them as troops.
١٣. كل ملوك الكلام خاضعة
منك لملك يعدّها سوقا
14. The lightning has striven though its flashes
Against the patience of the clouds, but could not reach it.
١٤. قد جهد البرق ان بياريه
على أناة الحجى فما لحقا
15. And I said thus has He created
A speaker, I said "Thus has He created."
١٥. وقائل هكذا تخلقه
قدماً له قلت هكذا خلقا