
My soul's beloved, my wish, and my passion

حبيب نفسي ومناي والوطر

1. My soul's beloved, my wish, and my passion
Thinking of you delights me, and talking of you enchants me

١. حبيب نفسي ومناي والوطر
ذكراك أنسي وحديثي والسمر

2. I have no fear of blame, rather
Only those blame who have not seen your radiant face

٢. ولست اخشى فيك لوماً انما
يلوم من لم ير وجهك الأغر

3. Hear, oh my soul who I sacrifice for you, the lament of a lover
In whose heart burns the embers of passion’s fire

٣. اسمع فدتك النفس شكوى عاشق
يقدح في احشائه الوجد شرر

4. My heart is devoted to yearning and fervor
My gaze is distracted by tears and vigil

٤. مقسّم القلب لشوق وجدي
موزع الطرف لدمع وسهر

5. Nothing remains in the heart you melted away
Of steadfastness, O light of my eyes, no trace

٥. لم يبق للقلب الذي أذبته
من الجفا يا نور عيني من اثر

6. O fresh branch who has none but the abandoned encampment
As pasture, and none but tears, rose and breast as company

٦. يا رشأ ليس له غير الحشا
مرعى وغير الدمع ورد وصدر

7. I made my home in your heart yet still
The arrow of your coldness pierces it until it breaks

٧. اسكنته قلبي ولكن لم يزل
يرميه في سهم الجفا حتى انكسر

8. I saw you, loved you, was passionate for you
Yet you turned away, rejected me, and abandoned me

٨. رأيته احببته عشقته
اعرض عني وجفاني وهجر

9. I am not alone captive to your charm
For each charm has a hundred captives like me

٩. لست أنا وحدي أسير صدغه
بكل صدغ مأة مثلي اسر

10. Your black tresses darkened only when they became
A resting place for the suns of your radiant forehead

١٠. ما اسود ذاك الشعر الا مذ غدا
لشمس ذياك المحيا مستقر

11. I have nothing but patience for your sentry
And he who harvests roses endures the thorns

١١. مالي سوى الصبر على رقيبه
ومن جنى الورد على الشوك صبر

12. The blossoms of bliss are in the garden of your cheeks
With fragrance, like it the blossoms of henna

١٢. ورد النعيم في رياض خدّه
ذو ارج ومثله ورد الخفر

13. Your charming glances took the attributes of your beauty
A turn of the neck, a fluttering of eyelids, a gaze

١٣. قد اخذ الريم صفات حسنه
لفتة جيد ونفار ونظر

14. The dawn took its light from your brilliance
And that light shone fully in the moon

١٤. واقتبست شمس الضحى من نوره
وذلك النور تجلى في القمر

15. O your mouth, with the mixing of the breeze
That's within you with honey - the quintessence of sweetness

١٥. ياثغره من مزج الراح التي
فيك بشهد فحلا رشف السكر

16. A people unaware dove for pearls
Though that mouth holds the most precious gems

١٦. غاص على اللؤلؤ قوم ما دروا
ان بذاك الثغر أحسن الدرر

17. Your amorous gazes' arrows must protect
Lips on which honeybees alight and suckle

١٧. لا بدع ان تحمي سهام لحظه
ريقاً فشهد النحل يحمي بالأبر

18. I see you, O full moon, claiming beauty
Though that is a claim that cannot be believed

١٨. أراك يا بدر ادعيت حسنه
وتلك دعوى لم تكن لتعتبر

19. You only increase in beauty, radiance and joy
While the accustomed decline and change

١٩. يزداد حسناً وسناً وبهجة
وأنت يعتادك نقص وغير

20. You, O fresh branch and O basil, have not told
Of a balance or fairness from him

٢٠. وأنت يا غصن ويا ريم النقا
لم تحكيا منه اعتدالا وحور

21. The rising of lovers is from his stature
So it's right their sight turns only toward it

٢١. قيامة العشاق من قامته
فحق ان يشخص نحوها البصر

22. A branch adorned with jewelry amazed them
A branch that bears pearls as fruit

٢٢. غصن تحلى باللئالي فاعجبوا
من غصن له من الدر ثمر

23. The girdle carouses around the waist, relating
The sweetest beneficial discourse in summary

٢٣. يجول في الخصر الوشاح راوياً
احلى حديث نافع عن مختصر

24. And his piercing gaze is bewitching
Transmitting the legends of Babel like news

٢٤. وطرفه الصارم وهو ساحر
عن بابل ينقل مأثور الخبر

25. Who did not flee in fear, I did not find
Except for him a refuge from the sword of his eyes

٢٥. من فر من خوف فاني لم اجد
الا له من سيف عينيه مفر

26. Who has not witnessed the devastation of his gaze
Does not know the meaning of destiny and fate

٢٦. من لم يشاهد فتكات طرفه
لم يدر ما معنى القضاء والقدر

27. I ransom a beloved who did not attend a school
To excel in script and recite books

٢٧. افدي حبيباً لم يشاهد مكتباً
فيحسن الخط ويقرأ الزبر

28. And each glance holds a lesson of wisdom
For a thousand astute and insightful writers

٢٨. وكل لحظ فيه درس حكمة
لألف نحرير حكيم ذي نظر

29. Say to the one who desired my company that I have
No companionship so disregard the enchanting talk

٢٩. قل للذي رام سلوي ليس لي
من سلوة فاطو احاديث السمر

30. For I do not listen to any speech but his
Who is the speech of the Master of Men

٣٠. فلست اصغي لحديث غيره
ما لم يكن حديث سيّد البشر

31. Muhammad the Chosen One and the Light that
Illuminated all existence when it shone

٣١. محمد المختار والنور الذي
قد اشرق الكون به لما زهر

32. The one God chose from all people for Him
A secret of Quraysh, and Quraysh from Mudar

٣٢. من اصطفى الله من الخلق له
سر قريش وقريشاً من مضر

33. The night of his birth was a sign
In the earth and sky that came with a warning

٣٣. وليلة الميلاد كانت آية
في الأرض والسماء جاءت بالنذر

34. So the palace split open, and
The ancient Magian fire was extinguished

٣٤. فانصدع الايوان فيه وخبت
نار مجوس من قديم تستعر

35. A lake surged and a fire was quenched
And the dream of the Mobedan brought danger

٣٥. بحيرة غاضت ونار خمدت
وجاء رؤيا المؤبذان بالخطر

36. Khosrow felt fear in himself
And the soothsayer warned him of it

٣٦. أوجس كسرى خيفة في نفسه
وصرح الكاهن عنها بالخبر

37. So Khosrow's power was broken right then
A breaking night's days will not mend

٣٧. فانكسرت شوكة كسرى عندها
كسراً على كرّ الليالي ما انجبر

38. As if the end of his kingdom's date
Was the Prophet's birthday night

٣٨. كأن تاريخ انقضاء ملكه
ليلة ميلاد النبي المنتظر

39. So if their waters receded, it filled
The sea of bounty and overflowed

٣٩. فإن تكن ساوة غاض ماؤها
فقد طمى بحر النوال وزخر

40. And if their fires are extinguished
The true light has shone and travelled

٤٠. وان تكن نيرانهم قد خمدت
فقد تجلى نور حق وسفر

41. He guided people who had clung
To misguidance, worshipping idols

٤١. هدى إلى الله أناساً عكفوا
على الضلال من عبادة الحجر

42. He saved them from the dark night of Ignorance
With its endless injustice and gloom

٤٢. انقذهم من ليل جاهلية
الظلم فيها والظلام المستمر

43. They disputed with him, yet he arbitrated their dispute
They fought him, and over them he was victorious

٤٣. قد خاصموه فحجا خصيمهم
وحاربوه وعليهم انتصر

44. He bore two swords - an eloquent tongue
Incisive and with both triumphant

٤٤. يحمل سيفين لساناً ناطقاً
ومرهفاً وفي كليهما الظفر

45. A hand that gives hands and a hand
That destroys enemies with the sharp blade

٤٥. مد يداً تسدي الايادي ويداً
تفني الاعادي بالمهند الذكر

46. As if that sword in his grip
And generosity in it, lightning flashed and rained

٤٦. كأن ذاك السيف في راحته
والجود فيها ومض برق ومطر

47. God sent him perfecting
The noble traits of character of all mankind

٤٧. قد بعث الله به متمماً
مكارم الاخلاق من كل البشر

48. He created the finest moral character and natural disposition
And the secret in the wondrous making is apparent

٤٨. ابدع حسن خلقه وخلقه
والسر في الصنع البديع قد ظهر

49. God has not taken a beloved but him
So how can He not create the most beautiful form?

٤٩. ما اتخذ الله حبيباً غيره
فكيف لا يخلق أحسن الصور

50. An allusion to his beauty descended
In Joseph "This is not a mortal" - a clear verse

٥٠. قد نزلت كناية عن حسنه
في يوسف آية ما هذا بشر

51. Meaning has been exhausted praising one whose
Merits every meaning is newly innovated

٥١. قد نفد المعنى بمدح من له
من المزايا كل معنى مبتكر

52. His attributes are caves - no limit to them
Though they make the eloquent feel confined

٥٢. صفاته غر ولا حصر لها
لكنها ترمي البليغ بالحصر

53. As if from the overflowing of his gifts
The water of life flowed, and the barren land was quenched

٥٣. كأن من فيض نداه قد جرى
ماء الحياة فارتوى منه الخضر

54. He gives life to the feeble, for he is the one
Through whose mysteries Jesus came with wonders

٥٤. يحيى الرميم ذكره فهو الذي
قد جاء من اسراره عيسى بسر

55. The moon split for him, and the pebbles
In the palm and staff glorified him and regained life

٥٥. شق له البدر وسبّح الحصا
في الكف والعود بها عاد نضر

56. And said "This is the miracle worker of God, so who
Among you can parallel a chapter of the Quran's chapters?"

٥٦. وقال هذا معجز الباري فمن
منكم يباري سورة من السور

57. Had they been able to parallel it they would not have fought
Yet it is easier for them than abundance and conquest

٥٧. لو استطاعوا مثله ما حاربوا
وهو لهم ايسر من كرّ وفر

58. The chieftains of Quraysh all became
Between released and killed, utterly routed

٥٨. اضحت صناديد قريش كلها
بين طليق وقتيل منعفر

59. They tasted his mighty valiance at Badr
And witnessed his magnanimous pardon at the Conquest

٥٩. ذاقوا ببدر منه بأس باسل
وشاهدوا بالفتح عفو مقتدر

60. The Merciful supported him with his cousin
Excellent help, ally, and vizier

٦٠. ايده الرحمن بابن عمه
نعم العضيد والنصير والوزر

61. Ali was his hand and sword
Striking those who rebelled and disbelieved through him

٦١. كان عليّ يده وسيفه
يضرب فيه من بغى ومن كفر

62. He routed Quraysh and exterminated Khaybar
And toppled Amr with a sharp-bladed sword

٦٢. اردى قريشاً وأباد خيبراً
وهدّ عمرواً بحسام ذي اثر

63. He repelled Hawazin and others at Hunayn in defeat
Making them flee and retreat

٦٣. ورد في يوم حنين بالردى
هوازناً وغيره ولى وفر

64. At Badr, his sword shone
A sun by which darkness was lit and retreated

٦٤. وقد تجلى يوم بدر سيفه
شمساً بها انجاب الظلام وانحسر

65. Has anyone but him in any battle
Defended the religion, consoled, and gave victory?

٦٥. هل غيره من احد في احد
حامي على الدين وواسى ونصر

66. Until the religion of guidance settled
In the pitfalls of turmoil, were it not for Ali it would not have settled

٦٦. حتى استقر في مزالق الوغى
دين هدى لولا علي ما استقر

67. O you who drinks other than loyalty to Haydar
How can you be content with filth instead of nectar?

٦٧. يا شارباً غير ولاء حيدر
كيف من الصفو رضيت بالكدر

68. I praised in Ahmad's praise Ali
Since they are one soul in inspiration and trace

٦٨. مدحت في مدح علي أحمداً
حيث هما نفس بوحي واثر

69. Look to the brotherhood between them
It is wondrous rhyming with dangerous import

٦٩. انظر إلى أخوة بينهما
فهو بديع من جناس ذي خطر

70. O light that has come to us
With the light of signs, revelations and chapters

٧٠. يا أيها النور الذي قد جاءنا
بالنور من آيات وحي وسور

71. You have guided us with revelation and tradition
O guide, through chapters and conduct

٧١. بالوحي والسنة قد هديتنا
يا هادياً في سور وفي سير

72. The seal of the prophethood that began
Before creation and beings in the time of particles

٧٢. وخاتماً نبوة قد بدأت
قبل الورى والخلق في عالم ذر

73. Be for me an intercessor on the day no intercession
Can be but through you, so every sin is forgiven

٧٣. كن لي شفيعاً يوم لا شفاعة
الا بكم فكل ذنب يغتفر

74. May God send prayers upon you as long as the morning breeze blows
Spreading your virtues, not the blossoms of flowers

٧٤. صلى عليك الله ما هبّت صباً
بنشر أخلاقك لا نشر الزهر

75. And your family, the elite caves, and those
Of your family, the brilliant elite pearls

٧٥. وآلك الغرّ الميامين ومن
كآلك البيض الميامين الغرر