1. Iran complained of what had stripped her bare
With burning yearning and memories of her plight
١. شكت ايران مما قد عراها
بلهفة واجد تذكو لظاها
2. Yes, she cried out and was distressed by the lawyer
So who will protect her protector from her foe?
٢. نعم هتفت وعجت بالمحامي
فمن يحمي حماها من عداها
3. It became clear with Russia's occupation of her
Permissible after her protector had forbidden it
٣. واضحت باحتلال الروس فيها
مباحا بعد منعته حماها
4. It is the painful disease, so where is there for her
A savior who would hasten her remedy?
٤. هو الداء العضال فأين منها
نطاسي يعجل في شفاها
5. After standing for truth until she was spilled
While she was patient, her blood
٥. ابعد قيامها بالحق حتى
اريقت وهي صابرة دماها
6. She returns disappointed from her hopes for it
At the time she was nearing her aims
٦. ترد بخيبة الآمال منها
على حين اقتراب من مناها
7. So the nation of Islam rose up
For the torrent had covered its plants
٧. فنهضا ملة الإسلام نهضا
فان السيل قد غطى زباها
8. Her right was usurped unjustly and tyrannically
And misguidance takes over her guidance
٨. اتغصب حقها ظلما وجورا
ويستولي الضلال على هداها
9. Rise up, you do not deserve victory from them
Unless you seek help in Allah's law
٩. هبوا لا تستحق النصر منكم
اما تستنصرون لشرع طه
10. When Iran attains her hopes
She will have no recourse but Him
١٠. إذا بلغت بايران الأماني
فليس لها مرد عن سواها
11. If books of grievance do not suffice
Battalions will encircle it with their settle
١١. إذا لم تغن كتب العتب اغنت
كتائب تستدير بهم رحاها
12. And if scolding does not appease them
Our tongues will speak to them
١٢. وان لم يشفهم كلم احتجاج
تكلمهم اسنتنا شفاها
13. Does Iran not see victory with blind eyes?
Do not let your eyelids quiver from abhorrence
١٣. أإيران انعمى بالنصر عينا
ولا تذعر جفونك عن كراها
14. For behind your glory, if you resist
Are protectors of neighbors with keen blades
١٤. فان وراء عزك ان تضامي
حماة الجار مرهفة ظباها
15. The swords of the Ottoman house
With which pacts are concluded from its sharpness
١٥. صوارم آل عثمان المواضي
تحل بها المعاقد من طلالها
16. Your rights of neighborliness and religion in them
And they, by God, are nobler than herders
١٦. حقوق جواركم والدين فيهم
وهم والله أكرم من رعاها
17. They have the honor of leadership and loftiness
And they rose through the times in its sky
١٧. لهم شرف الخلافة والمعالي
وهم طلعوا بدوراً في سماها
18. And they are the strongest pillar of Muslims
Preventing any from aggressing or contending
١٨. وهم للمسلمين اعز ركن
تمنع ان يطأول أو يضاهى
19. And pens of scholars inscribed
Arrows of death launched from their youth
١٩. واقلام من العلماء رقش
سمام الحتف ينفث من شباها
20. When the religion of God cried out, they rose up
You would see the earth quaking in its expanse
٢٠. إذا ما صاح دين الله هبوا
رأيت الأرض راجفة رباها
21. Islam answered its call until
It was narrowed by the breadth of its space
٢١. اجاب دعاءه الإسلام حتى
يغص بهم على سعة فضاها
22. With heroes walking to the turmoil
Like the walking of the thirsty to the water spring
٢٢. بأبطال إلى الهيجاء تمشى
كمشي العاطشات إلى رواها