
By God, ask the alliance of Persians if they have destroyed

بالله سل عصبة بالفرس قد فتكت

1. By God, ask the alliance of Persians if they have destroyed
For what crime they have shed the blood of the people

١. بالله سل عصبة بالفرس قد فتكت
بأي جرم دماء القوم قد سفكت

2. They fled from injustice in horror, so for them
Shedding blood was the punishment if they called and complained

٢. فرّت من الظلم اشفاقا فكان لها
سفك الدماء جزاء ان دعت وشكت

3. They did not resent them as patrons, they
And their love are a family that has been sanctified and purified

٣. لم ينقموا منهم الاولاء هم
وحبهم عترة قد قدّست وزكت

4. Their swords shed blood
As if it were a day of celebration and they had abstained

٤. طلت دماء اراقتها سيوفهم
كأنه يوم تشريق وقد نسكت

5. And the sanctity of Islam did not prevent them
From it or the sanctity of the month which was violated

٥. ولم تكن حرمة الأسلام تمنعهم
عنها ولا حرمة الشهر التي انتهكت

6. The eyes of the enemy were delighted and laughed with joy
So they will cry for a long time after they laughed

٦. قرت عيون العدى واستضحكت فرحاً
فسوف تبكي طويلا بعدما ضحكت

7. O zeal of religion and law, avenge them
And extinguish the fire of sorrow in hearts that blazed

٧. يا غيرة الدين والشرع اثأري بهم
واطفئي نار حزن في القلوب ذكت

8. My craving for them and the daughters of thunder rain upon them
With rifles containing lethal bullets that were cast

٨. لهفي لهم وبنات الرعد تمطرهم
بنادقا بسمام الموت قد سبكت

9. The deceiver led for them an army
Composed of every apostate who participated in killing them

٩. قاد الغوي لهم جنداً مؤلفة
من كل مارقة في قتلها اشتركت

10. So they were treacherously killed, strewn
Over the ground, crushed by the torrent they were threshed

١٠. فغودرت منهم قتلي مطرحة
فوق الثرى برحى الهيجاء قد عركت

11. Bare, robbed of their clothes
Woe to the scoundrels, they leave nothing when they rule

١١. عارين قد سلبوا منهم ثيابهم
ويح اللئام فما تبقي إذا ملكت