
The Caliphate's shadow remained outstretched,

ظل الخلافة سابغ ممدود

1. The Caliphate's shadow remained outstretched,
Its pools were fresh, flowing water.

١. ظل الخلافة سابغ ممدود
وغديرها عذب الروا مورود

2. The glorious state, its forest is protected
By a lion whose growth made him a dark king.

٢. والدولة الغراء يحمي غابها
اسد نمته من الملوك اسود

3. The Commander of the Faithful built its foundations,
So its building was lofty, established branches.

٣. أعلى أمير المؤمنين بناءها
فبناؤها سامي الفروع مشيد

4. The lives of the subjects in the pleasures of his justice,
Were like his noble, generous name, Hamid.

٤. عيش الرعية في مغاني عدله
مثل اسمه السامي الكريم حميد

5. His awe conquered hearts, and necks
Of kings submitted to him, prey.

٥. ملكت مهابته القلوب وأذعنت
خضع الرقاب له الملوك الصيد

6. And how many blessings and nobility does he have
With God, their status is praiseworthy.

٦. ولكم له من نعمة وعوارف
عند الإله مقامها محمود

7. Long live the Caliphate in loftiness,
For God, its support is coupled with success.

٧. دامعت سعادة ملكة في رفعة
لله مقرون بها التأييد

8. Its pillars were named through his offspring,
Glory surpassing, so nothing can be added.

٨. وسمت به اعضاد دولته ذرى
عز يفوق فما عليه مزيد

9. This esteemed Shaykh al-Islam of the world,
Is unique in virtue among people.

٩. هذا المعظم شيخ إسلام الورى
من فضله بين الأنام فريد

10. Full moon of knowledge, sea of dew, towering dignity,
Star of guidance, pillar of piety, the goal.

١٠. بدر العلا بحر الندى طود الحجا
نجم الهدى علم التقى المقصود

11. A sea which if the springs of his knowledge are accessed,
Chests praise in bloom.

١١. بحر إذا وردت مناهل علمه
احكامها حمد الصدور ورود

12. He was given the crown of Muhammad’s law,
An eternal honor held in his grip.

١٢. القى له الاقليد شرع محمد
شرفاً فدام بكفه الاقليد

13. He continued building the pillars of knowledge,
For pillars are held firm by building.

١٣. فمضى يشيد بالعلوم عماده
ان العماد قوامه التشييد

14. His good traits adorned him, like necklaces
Around the neck of the lofty, studded with knowledge.

١٤. حسنت سجاياه فهن قلائد
في جيد ابكار العلا وعقود

15. A polished dual-edged sword, whetted,
Steel, as all iron is steel when sharpened.

١٥. سيف صقيل الشفرتين مهند
عضب إذا كل الحديد حديد

16. May God steady for the enemy his opinion -
An arrow that strikes true, excellent aiming.

١٦. الله سدد للعدى من رأيه
سهماً أصاب فحبذا التسديد

17. Wakeful, no drowsiness affects his eyelids,
Except sometimes in darkness, conjectures.

١٧. متيقظ لا يعتري اجفانه
الا غراراً في الظلام هجود

18. In solving a problem and rejecting disasters,
Or undoing tightness, easing.

١٨. في حل مشكلة ودفع ملمة
أو فك عان شفه التسهيد

19. Looking forward, he meets praise’s delegations,
And praise of the generous has delegations.

١٩. مستبشراً يلقى وفود ثنائه
ومن الثناء على الكرام وفود

20. His face is a garden, his generosity a stream,
Blessed is he who visits the dew and makes it flow.

٢٠. فالوجه روض والسماحة جدول
طوبى لمن يرد الندى ويرود

21. Peerless, combining all virtues’ stars,
Yet I see the counting of them has no limit.

٢١. متفرّد جمع النجوم مناقبا
فأبين ان يحصى لهن عديد

22. O Exalted Master, and whoever witnesses
His superiority, envious and resentful.

٢٢. يا أيها المولى العظيم ومن له
بالفضل يشهد كاشح وحسود

23. The perfection of the generous and knowledgeable’s merit,
Is that the enemy thus bears witness.

٢٣. وكمال فضل أولي المكارم والعلا
ان العدى لهم بذاك شهود

24. Live in peace in the shadow of the oldest state,
Its good fortune’s star rose fortunate.

٢٤. دم سالماً في ظل أسنى دولة
غرّاء طالع سعدها مسعود

25. And upon you from my blessings, Ahmad’s Caliphate,
And the dew of the Commander of the Faithful is cooling.

٢٥. وعليك من نعمى خلافة أحمد
وندى أمير المؤمنين برود

26. You enjoy care and the whites of gifts,
Each dawn for it has renewal.

٢٦. تحضى بالطاف وبيض مواهب
في كل شارقة لها تجديد