
Ask jurisprudence how its pillars have declined,

سل بالشريعة كيف مال ديامها

1. Ask jurisprudence how its pillars have declined,
Ask jurisprudence whose leader has been absent.

١. سل بالشريعة كيف مال ديامها
سل بالفقاهة ابن غاب إمامها

2. Vent your sadness to the dove, for it has cast
A sacred soul whose traits are its feathers.

٢. ساجل بلوعتك الحمام فقد رمى
نفساً مقدسة الخصال حمامها

3. A soul that sacrifices souls to defend dignity,
And whose ambition cannot be attained.

٣. نفس تفدى بالنفوس كرامة
ونفاسة لو يستطاع مرامها

4. The beautiful patience has worn off tremendously,
Its greatness cannot diminish over time.

٤. حلت عرى الصبر الجميل عظيمة
ما ينقضي طول المدى استعظامها

5. Calamities have befallen us so they surround you.
The displaced have overwhelmed the countries in their darkness.

٥. حالت لها الايم فهي حوالك
غشي البلاد النازحات ظلامها

6. A confused one who cannot find his way,
And a prisoner whose sighs are his arrows.

٦. من حائر لا يهتدي لسبيله
ورهين أشجان رمته سهامها

7. And a deceiver who fears the truth itself,
Why the deception when its mask has been removed?

٧. ومغالط خوف الحقيقة نفسه
كيف الخداع وقد أميط لثامها

8. What is the use of reasoning while
What has been destined has occurred and its wound festered?

٨. ما سلوة التعليل عنها بالذي
يجدي وقد نزلت وشب ضرامها

9. The obituary exclaimed as if its words
Were the hissing of snakes rising to the sky.

٩. هتف النعي كانما الفاظه
نفث الأراقم يستطير سمامها

10. Look at the world with insightful eyes
That warn you of its deeds and days.

١٠. انظر إلى الدنيا بعين بصيرة
تنبيك عن افعالها أيامها

11. Betrayal is of its habits but it
Describes loyalty, so its flaws cannot be blamed.

١١. الغدر من عاداتها لكنها
تصف الوفاء فما يصح ذمامها

12. We crave life hoping it lasts forever
Alas! O you who crave life lasting forever!

١٢. نهوى الحياة مؤملين دوامها
هيهات يا راجي الحياة دوامها

13. Where are the first ones who owned the entire plain
Until the black restricted its waves?

١٣. أين الأولى ملكوا البسيطة كلها
حتى تضايق بالأسود اجامها

14. They wore the crowns of youth but after they withered
They were buried behind youth in its grave.

١٤. عصبوا بتيجان النضار ومذ ثووا
بطن الثرى خلف النضار رغامها

15. I stayed up with burning yearning in my chest
On the night of estrangement when sleep avoided its eyes.

١٥. أين الرجال الصالحون إلى الردى
درجوا وقلص ظلها وخيالها

16. I cry for the oceans of knowledge that have withdrawn,
I cry for the houses of righteousness that have declined.

١٦. ولقد ابيت وفي الحشى نار الجوى
في ليلة هجر الجفون منامها

17. And I blame the days for them while knowing
That blaming and criticizing them is useless.

١٧. ابكي بحور العلم غاض عبابها
ابكي بدور الرشد حال تمامها

18. The crack has not healed since
Another one split open and its wound festered.

١٨. وأعاتب الأيام فيهم عالماً
ان لا يفيد عتابها وملامها

19. Yesterday, he who guided us was buried in the ground
While the leader and protector was absent.

١٩. لم يلتئم صدع لجلى قدمت
حتى دهت اخرى استطار ضرامها

20. Two calamities have befallen Islam, so the years
Of affliction have succeeded one another.

٢٠. بالأمس ألحد في الثرى مهديها
واللوم غاب عميدها وهمامها

21. O Lord, protect the upright religion
From increasingly great calamities that conclude it.

٢١. رزآن بالأسلام حلا فاغتدى
عام الرزايا والنوائب عامها

22. How can there be stillness to rest while
The pillar of guidance has collapsed and its pillars crumbled?

٢٢. رب على الدين الحنيف تتابع
بأعظم الأرزاء كان ختامها

23. The virtuous carrier of excellence passed away at dawn
And his unknown coffin crowned the important figures.

٢٣. كيف الركود إلى السلو وقد هوى
ركن الهدى منها وهد دعامها

24. He carried forbearance on the throne of merits and sublime traits
And generous deeds, with great flags.

٢٤. لله بن حمل الافاضل غدوة
وبنعشه المجهول توج هامها

25. And he walked steadily, holding leadership and high position
While being agreeable, over the heads of leaders and nobles.

٢٥. حلم على العرش الفضائل والعلى
والمكرمات منيعة اعلامها

26. He revived the hearts of Muslims over the absence of the virtuous one
Whose elegy accompanies his Islam.

٢٦. وعلى رؤوس أولى الراسة والعلا
قد سار رضوى ماثلا وشمامها

27. So the brave heroes felt anguish over his absence
When the flags and pillars of guidance departed.

٢٧. وحيت قلوب المسلمين لفاضل
ندب يلازم ندبه إسلامها

28. His son, the Chosen and Pure Imam
From the glorious and high-ranking family.

٢٨. فعلى المجارس والمحارب وحشة
لما مضى اعلامها قوامها

29. Tears flowed like pearls so it is as if
His words in the lesson composed an elegant system.

٢٩. مفضالها الحسن الزكي المجتبى
من اسرة المجد الرفيع مقامها

30. O refuge of those seeking help, when the nights
Of afflictions arrive, provide us with your staff.

٣٠. جرت الدموع لئالئا فكأنها
الفاظه في الدرس راق نظامها

31. Many needs have come to you anxiously
Hoping you will fulfill them and calm their heat.

٣١. يا عصمة المستنجدين إذا عرت
نوب الليالي فاستقال عصامها

32. You were in the horizons of Muhammad’s law
A sun that illuminates its rulings with your knowledge.

٣٢. كم حاجة جاءتك وهي لهفة
حرى فبرد بالنجاح أوامها

33. And you plunge into the deep oceans of wisdom
Whose turbulence originates from you.

٣٣. قد كنت في افاق شرع محمد
شمساً تضيء بعلمه احكامها

34. Who can take on the burden of every great deed
When war has broken out and conflict emerged?

٣٤. وخضم على يستمد عبابه
كل البحور خضمها قمقامها

35. Who can accommodate the influx of delegations
With wisdom that abundantly flows from you?

٣٥. من يستقل بعبأ كل عظيمة
يوماً إذا حربت ولد خصامها

36. Who can protect the religion of guidance from enemies
And return it intact after they attempt to destroy it?

٣٦. من يستهل طلاقة لوفوده
من قبل عارفة يفيض سجامها

37. You are forbearing when faced with adversities
As people’s dreams have become prey of men.

٣٧. من ذا يحوط من العدا دين الهدى
فيعود منقوضا به إبرامها

38. You have an unshakable resolve when faced with problems
As the sharp swords fail against you.

٣٨. حلم يقر على الخطوب إذا غدت
صيد الرجال مطاشة أحلامها

39. None other than your son Ja‘far,
The eminent, devout, and sublime.

٣٩. وعزيمة لا تنثني عن معضل
ويفل حد المرهفات حسامها

40. He inherited praiseworthy traits as he possesses them
So graceful praiseworthy traits are destined for him.

٤٠. ما ان لها إلا سليلك جعفر
مفضالها الهامي الذرى قمقامها

41. The truthful news of Ja‘far’s excellence
Has become known among the people of virtue and resolve.

٤١. ورث المحامد وهو حائز مثلها
فله طريف محامد مقدامها

42. The rulings yielded to him their leadership
Willingly, so he gently holds their reins.

٤٢. خبر الفضيلة صادق عن جعفر
اضحت رجال الفضل وهوامها

43. He elucidates their ambiguities with his insightful mind
And draws from the gushing springs their sediments.

٤٣. القت له الأحكام فضل قيادها
طوعا فاسلس في يديه زمامها

44. Thus you see the gardens of jurisprudence thriving,
Their buds have blossomed and opened their petals,

٤٤. يجلو غوامضها بثاقب فكرة
ينهل في اثر الوميض ركامها

45. With the precious, eloquent words, as if they are
Gems composed in an elegant system.

٤٥. فترى رياض الفقه زاهرة الربى
طابت شذا تفتحت أكمامها

46. O family of the Follower, you are the eminent people
Who have attained its maturity and youth.

٤٦. بجواهر الكلم النضيد كأنه
درر ينظم عقدها بنظامها

47. Be patient with the bitterness of adversities, for you are
Its scholars, its wise men, and its pillars.

٤٧. يا آل راض أنتم القوم الألى
حاز المعالي كهلها وغلامها

48. His soul has departed to the Abode of Nobility
Yearning for it, so may he be honored there.

٤٨. صبراً على مضض الخطوب فأنتم
علماؤها حلماؤها عظامها

٤٩. خلدت إلى دار الكرامة روحه
شوقا لها فليهنه إكرامها