1. Do they remember me or have they forgotten?
They intoxicated him with passion, and made him drunk.
١. أتُرى يذكرونه أم نسوهُ
هم سَقوه الهوى وهم أسكروهُ
2. They blamed him, so he became the dearest thing,
That aloofness after they had blamed him.
٢. عللوه فكان أقتلَ شيءٍ
ذلك الصدُّ بعدما علَّلوهُ
3. May God grant you a long life... Have you known a heart,
Like mine, with those who reside by it tormenting it?
٣. عمرَك الله.. هل عرفتَ فؤاداً
كفؤادي عليه جارَ ذووهُ
4. If only they would remember the night we had,
When passion was our mother and father,
٤. ليتهم يذكرون ليلة كنَّا
و الهوى نحن أمه و أبوهُ
5. And the eyes of the stars gazed upon us,
And the tongue of the darkness almost revealed us,
٥. و عيون النجوم ترنو إلينا
و لسان الدجى يكاد يفوهُ
6. And the gentle breeze toyed with our clothes,
Like a child they adored without disciplining him,
٦. و النسيم الخفيف يلهو بثوبَينا
كطفل أهلوه ما هذَّبوهُ
7. And we drank from the cup of love, so smiles shone
On the faces among us, the bashful ones.
٧. ورشفنا كأس الحميا فباحت
بالذي في الصدور منا الوجوهُ
8. I said "I love you, my angel," and her eyelids replied,
But her mouth stammered, not speaking out.
٨. قلتُ أهواك يا ملاكي فردَّتْ
مقلتاه لكن تلعثم فوهُ