
May Allah reward Bilal and his companions

جزى الله خيرا عن بلال وصحبه

1. May Allah reward Bilal and his companions,
The free man and the slave enjoying fruits and dates,

١. جزى اللَه خيراً عن بلالٍ وصحبهِ
عتيقاً وأخزى فاكِهاً وأباجَهلِ

2. In the evening they worried about Bilal with evil intentions,
And they did not fear what a reasonable man should fear,

٢. عشيةَ همّا في بلالٍ بسوءَةٍ
ولم يحذروا ما يحذرُ المرءُ ذُو العقلِ

3. With his devotion to the Lord of creation and his words:
"I bear witness that Allah is my Lord" at leisure,

٣. بتوحيده ربَّ الأنامِ وقوله
شهدتُ بأن اللَه ربي على مَهلِ

4. If you kill me, you kill me, while I have never
Associated anyone with the Merciful out of fear of death,

٤. فإن تقتلوني تقتلوني ولم أكن
لأشرك بالرحمنِ من خيفَةِ القتلِ

5. O Lord of Abraham, Jonah the servant
And Moses and Jesus, deliver me but do not make me despair

٥. فيا ربَّ إبراهيم والعبد يُونُسٍ
ومُوسى وعيسى نجني ثم لا تُملي

6. Of those who wrongfully loved the misguided people of Ghalib
With neither kindness nor justice from them

٦. لمن ظل يهوى الغيَّ من آل غالبٍ
على غيرِ برٍّ كانَ منهُ ولا عَدل