1. I've lost the sweetness of living since you left, and memories
You've filled my heart with anguish and remembrance
١. عَدِمتُ لَذِيذَ العَيشِ بِعدَك وَالكَرى
وَشَغّلتَ قَلبِي لَوعَةً وَتَذَكُّرا
2. How many nights have I spent sleepless
Fearing for myself, about to melt from regret
٢. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ قَد بتّ فيها مُولَّهاً
مَخافَةَ نَفسِي أَن تَذوبَ تَحَسُّرا
3. I face the wind coming from your land
But the cool breeze denies me when it blows
٣. أُقابلُ مَسرى الريح مِن نَحوِ أَرضِكُم
فِيَحرِمُني بَردَ النَسيم إِذا سَرى
4. What I hoped for has failed since I left you
And my hopes didn't benefit from the journey
٤. لَقَد خابَ ما أَمَّلتُ مُذ سِرتُ عَنكُمُ
وَمِن رَكِبَ الآمال لَم يَحمَدِ السُرى
5. My fate turned against me, not knowing
I recognized the obvious when it disguised itself
٥. تنكّرَ لي دَهرِي وَلم يَدرِ أَنَّني
عَرَفتُ جَليّ الأَمرِ لَمّا تَنَكّرا
6. They tell me to be patient with the separation and intention
But since you left me, I've lacked patience
٦. يَقُولونَ لِي صَبراً عَلى البُعدِ وَالنَوى
وَمُذ بِنتَ عَنّي ما رُزِقتُ تَصَبُّرا
7. What hurts me is that I fell for
The most beautiful flower, beautiful like the full moon
٧. وَمِمّا شَجاني أَنَّني بِتّ مُغرَماً
بِأَزهَرَ يَحكِي البَدرَ حُسناً وَمَنظَرا
8. Whose eyelashes deprive my eyes of sleep
Making my sleepy eyes into wakeful stones
٨. يُؤرّقُ جَفنِي مِنهُ غُنجُ مَحاجِرٍ
تَعدّ مِنامَ الجفنِ حِجراً مُحَجّرا
9. If it wasn't for my fear of the injustice of his rule
I would have told you the hidden tale as it occurred
٩. وَلَولا الَّذي أَخشاهُ مِن جورِ حُكمِهِ
لحدّثتُكَ الأَمرَ الخَفِيّ كَما جَرى
10. And revealed to you the secret feelings in my heart
Exposing a passion hidden within
١٠. وَبُحتُ بِمكنُون الضَميرِ إِليكُمُ
وَأَظهَرتُ وَجداً كانَ في القَلبِ مُضمَرا
11. But one who is sick must make excuses
Or die, and thus be excused
١١. وَلا بُدَّ مِن شَكوى فَتَعذِر مُدنَفاً
حَليفَ سَقامٍ أَو يَموتَ فَيُعذَرا
12. Since the time he shone, he makes no excuses
He does not bend for one who makes excuses
١٢. وَلَكِنَّهُ مُذ لاحَ لامَ عذارِهِ
تَجَنّى فَلا يَلوي عَلى مَن تَعَذّرا
13. He bought me for less though he is Joseph in beauty
He did not buy me except for the cheapest price
١٣. شَراني بِبَخسٍ وَهُوَ في الحُسنِ يُوسُفٌ
وَما بِاعَني إِلّا بِأَرخَصِ ما اِشتَرى
14. So he abandons me when night darkens
And shuns me when dawn breaks and shuns
١٤. فَيُمسي إِذا ما أظَلَمَ اللَيلُ ظالِمي
وَيَهجُر إِن صامَ النَهارُ وَهَجّرا
15. My only sin is that I confessed his name
The anguished cannot but remember
١٥. وَلا ذَنبَ إِلّا أَنّني بُحتُ بِاسمِهِ
وَلا بُدّ لِلمَحزُونِ أَن يَتَذَكّرا
16. So be my ally in this ordeal of passion
It is deserved that one like me gets helped and supported
١٦. فَكُن ناصِري إِن شِئتَ في مَوقِفِ الهَوى
فَحُقّ لِمِثلي أَن يُعانَ وَيُنصَرا