
O poet, you did not feel your own downfall,

يا شاعرا بسقوطه لم يشعر

1. O poet, you did not feel your own downfall,
You were not the first ambitious one to fail,

١. يا شاعراً بسقوطه لم يشعر
ما كنت أول طامع لم يظفرِ

2. If you had known a noble father to take pride in,
You would not have claimed lowly lineage from Tulaifir,

٢. لو كنت تعرف والداً تسمو به
لم تنتسب ضعة الى تلعفر

3. You wandered astray, son of a whore seller in the land,
With the meanness of Qudhal and the stench of dung,

٣. تاه ابن بائعة الفسوق على الورى
بقذال صفعان ونكهة ابخر

4. And the crudeness in poetry that testifies he is
A ram even if you claimed him to have Buhturi's nature,

٤. وبلادة في الشعر تشهد انه
تيس ولو نصرت بطبع البحتري

5. It would be sweet for fingers to slap him,
As if his meanness was made of sugar.

٥. يحلو بأفواه الانامل صفعه
حتى كأن قذاله من سكر