1. I renewed my gratitude for the ever-renewing passion
And promised you what was never promised before
١. جَدَّدتُ شُكرِي لِلهَوَى المُتَجَدِّدِ
وَعَهِدتُ عِندَكَ مِنهُ مَا لَم يُعهَدِ
2. So they allied for the oath-breaker and assembled
For the separated and reconciled for the scattered
٢. فَتَحَالَفُوا لِمُحَنَّثٍ وَتَجَمَّعُوا
لِمُفَرَّقٍ وَتَأَلَّفُوا لِمُبَدَّدِ