
I offer my cheek for a kiss when she is pleased

إني لأبسط للقبول إذا سرت

1. I offer my cheek for a kiss when she is pleased,
And cast it to her to be kissed by her hand.

١. إِنِّي لأبْسُطُ للقَبولِ إذا سَرَتْ
خَدّي وَأَلقاها بِتَقبيلِ اليَدِ

2. And I fold my arms about her breaths
That the heat of an extinguished heart may be cooled.

٢. وَأَضُمُّ أَحنائي على أَنفاسِها
كَيمَا تُبَرّدَ حَرّ قلبٍ مُكْمَدِ

3. She touched me with her palm in a gentle caress
And her veil is a spray of tender jasmine.

٣. مَسَحَتْ كراقيةٍ عليّ بكفّها
ونقابُها ندٌّ من الزّهَرِ النّدي

4. And I knew in her spirit the joy that she felt
As a patient knows his healing in the physician.

٤. وعَرَفتُ في الأَرواحِ مَسراها كَما
عَرَفَ المريضُ طبيبَهُ في العُوّدِ

5. Why should I dwell far from my home in exile?
Did my star decree that I roam to be born ?

٥. ما لي أطيلُ عنِ الدّيارِ تَغرّباً
أَفبِالتَّغرُّبِ كانَ طالعُ مَولدي

6. I will ever annihilate despair by the assurance
Of hope, in the breasts of the mountains embosomed.

٦. أَبَداً أُبَدِّدُ بِالنَّوى عَزمي إِلى
أَمَلٍ بِأَطرافِ البِلادِ مُبَدَّدِ

7. I roamed the wide world in weariness unredeeming,
I bore my sorrows in secret beyond the last bounds.

٧. كَم مِن فَلاةٍ جُبْتُها بِنَجيبَةٍ
عَن مِنسَمٍ دامٍ وخَطْمٍ مزبدِ

8. Strange is she who accrues to my love the sweet pleasure
Of joy when her voice fills my heart with its sound.

٨. أَبقى الجَزيلُ لها جَميلَ ثَنائِهِ
في العيسِ مَوصولاً بِقَطعِ الفَدفَدِ

9. She caused me to rend the robust mount asunder
With a cascade of tears cataracting violently.

٩. ضَرَبَتْ مَعَ الأَعناقِ أَعناقَ الفَلا
بِحُسامِ ماءٍ في حَشاها مُغمَدِ