
For every lover there is a glance that kindles passion

لكل محب نظرة تبعث الهوى

1. For every lover there is a glance that kindles passion,
But my glance is towards slaying, it is murder.

١. لكلّ محِبٍّ نظرَةٌ تَبعثُ الهوَى
ولي نَظرةٌ نحوَ القَتول هي القتلُ

2. The envoys of my gazing repeat unwillingly,
And it is the nature of fairness to be generous to envoys.

٢. تُرَدَّد بالتكريهِ رُسْلُ نواظري
ومن شيمَ الإِنصافِ أن تكرَم الرّسلُ

3. I set out with good intentions but the earth did not live
Long enough for my riding, no life or foot remains.

٣. ركبتُ نوىً جوّابةَ الأرض لم يعشْ
لراكبها عيسٌ تخبّ ولا رجلُ

4. I ask about the house of tolerance and its people,
But no house for tolerance exists, nor any people.

٤. أسائلُ عن دارِ السماحِ وأهْلِهِ
ولا دارَ فيها للسماح ولا أهلُ

5. Were it not for the offspring of Al-Qasim the generous prince
No one unloads their belongings where generosity dwells.

٥. ولولا ذُرَى ابن القاسمِ الواهب الغنى
لما حُطّ منها عند ذي كَرَم رحلُ

6. The worth of villains is diminished by their villainy
While Ali's worth is raised by his noble deeds.

٦. تُخَفَّضُ أقدارُ اللئامِ بلؤمهم
وَقَدْرُ عليّ من مكارِمِهِ يعلو

7. A man whose palm the knot of favor never left
Whose honor and wealth were never lacking in charity.

٧. فتى لم يُفارِقْ كفَّهُ عَقْدُ مِنّةٍ
ولا عِرْضَهُ صونٌ ولا مالهُ بذلُ

8. He has bounties that make the horizons verdant
Especially if the place changes its horizons.

٨. له نِعَمٌ تخضَرّ منها مَوَاقِعٌ
ولا سِيَما إن غَيّرَ الأفقَ المحلُ

9. The breadth of his open chest when he descends upon villages
And the eloquence of his discourse when crowds gather.

٩. ورَحبُ جَنابٍ حين ينزلُ للقِرى
وفصلُ خطابٍ حين يجتمع الحفلُ

10. A beautiful face - you would think its heat
Was a sword forged by the glance of its questioner.

١٠. وَوجهٌ جميلُ الوجه تحسبُ حرّهُ
حساماً له من لحظ سائله صقلُ

11. His wealth is terrified by his generosity
As if madness or dementia had seized it.

١١. مُرَوَّعَةٌ أموالُهُ بعَطَائِهِ
كأنّ جنوناً مَسّها مِنْهُ أو خَبْلُ

12. What safety or stability for one afraid
With the palm of his killer above his head as a blade?

١٢. وأيّ أمانٍ أو قرارٍ لخائفٍ
على رأسه من كفّ قاتله بصلُ

13. The meteors were dazzled by your radiant
Achievements, unmatched by the sands.

١٣. لقد بَهَرَتْ شهبَ الدراري منيرةً
مآثرُ منكمْ لا يكاثِرُهَا الرّمْلُ

14. You have inherited the legacy of glory from every master
Upon whose shoulders the burdens of the exalted weighed heavily.

١٤. ورثتمْ تراثَ المجدِ من كلّ سيّدٍ
على منكبيه من حقوقِ العلا ثقلُ

15. So who is the moon leaving a crescent behind him
And which lion has a cub as his successor?

١٥. فمنْ قَمرٍ يُبقي على الأفق بَعْدَهُ
هلالاً ومن ليث خليفته شبلُ

16. You have struck the unjust mute in the night of tyranny
And the just rises among you as an eloquent speaker.

١٦. وأصبحَ منكم في سلا الجور أخرساً
وقام خطيباً بالّذي فيكمُ العدلُ

17. I have mastered rhyme and meter when I sought to praise you -
Oh how many mounts are controlled by a stallion!

١٧. ملكتُ القوافي إذ توخيتُ مدحكمْ
ويا رُبّ أذوادٍ تَمَلّكها فَحْلُ