1. I have translated the poem from Arabic to English while preserving the poetic form:
With legs fairer than horses bred in Danan
١. وأشقرَ من خيل الدنانِ ركبتُهُ
فأصبحَ بي في غايةِ السكر يجْمَحُ
2. Inebriated was I when with him I began
I reined him in with a mingled brew
٢. فألجمتُهُ بالمزج حتى وَجَدْتُهُ
بما شحّ من حُسنِ الرياضةِ يسمحُ
3. Till pliant he was, his beauty shone through
What wonder a garden of fire adorned
٣. فيا عجَباً من روض نارٍ مكلَّلٍ
بنوّار ماءٍ في الزجاجَةِ يَسبحُ
4. With cool water pearls in a vessel far-famed
Its heat makes sorrow forget its harsh sting
٤. فَحَرّ لَظاها يَلذَعُ الهمّ في الحشا
وطيب شَذاها للعَرانينِ يَنْفَحُ