1. Meteors in the gloom of night pierced
Or a lamp whose fire is grape juice
١. أشهابٌ في دجى الليل ثَقَبْ
أم سراجٌ نارُهُ ماءُ العِنَبْ
2. Or a bride above my hands' throne
Illuminated by playfulness in a necklace of loved ones
٢. أم عروسٌ فوق كرسيِّ يدي
يجتليها اللهوُ في عقدِ الحبب
3. O soul mate, the morning breeze
Has cooled and dawn no doubt has come near
٣. يا شقيقَ النفس أنفاس الصَّبا
بَرَدَت والصبح لا شكّ اقترب
4. Arise, let me entertain you with a life you've never tasted
With clarity from which the dregs of misfortune have been strained
٤. قمْ أمتِّعك بعيشٍ لمْ تَقَعْ
في صفاءٍ منْهُ أقذاءُ النّوب
5. For it is time for the dawn's glow
To have the partridges strike their tails in it
٥. فلقد حانَ لضوءِ الفجر أنْ
يضربَ السرحانُ فيه بذنب
6. So turn her under a night whose roof
Is darkness in which there is a piercing of light
٦. فأدِرْها تحْتَ ليلٍ سَقْفُهُ
ظلمةٌ فيها من النور ثُقَبْ
7. Or above the lightning of a laughing sky
Whose clouds spill tears from it
٧. أو على برقِ سماءٍ ضاحكٍ
غيمُهُ بالدّمْع منه منسكِب
8. The garden is intoxicated and its birds sing
Should not then the bodies of its branches dance?
٨. سَكِرَ الرّوضُ وغنّى طيرُهُ
أفلا ترقصُ قاماتُ القُضُب
9. Bring a pearl in which there is ruby and take
A body of water carrying the spirit of flame
٩. هات دُرّاً فيه ياقوتٌ وخُذْ
جسمَ ماءٍ حاملاً روحَ لهب
10. A coffee that if a boulder had drunk it
It would have blossomed with playfulness and enchantment
١٠. قهوَةً لو سُقِيَتْها صخرةٌ
أورقتْ باللّهو منها والطّرب
11. Its spirit pulls the soul to it
The softer of two things is what I'm drawn to
١١. يجذبُ الرّوح إليه روحُها
ألطف الشيئين عندي ما انجذب
12. It was born old in its cluster
And today it is an old woman who did not grow up
١٢. وُلِدَتْ بالشّيبِ في عنقودها
وهيَ اليومَ عجوزٌ لم تشب
13. Whenever the cup-bearer waved it, it showed
The loved ones of silver in the water of gold
١٣. كلَّما مَوّجَها المزنُ أَرَتْ
حَبَبَ الفضّةِ في ماءِ الذهب
14. Its wine-pourer who pressed it does not know
So the talk of truth in it is like lies
١٤. ما درى خمّارُها عاصِرَها
فحديثُ الصدق فيها كالكذب
15. A libertine freed in a hollow
Of blood of grapes, filled choose
١٥. خندريسٌ عُتّقَتْ في أجوَفٍ
من دم العُنقودٍ مملوءٍ نُخَبْ
16. Putting his hands in his bosom
And standing while sitting is a must
١٦. واضعٌ كفَّيْه في أخصارهِ
وقيامٌ في قعودٍ قد وجب
17. They buried pleasure in it alive
And time came upon it and went
١٧. دفنوا اللَّذةَ فيها حيّةً
وأتى الدّهرُ عليها وذهب
18. He thought it a treasure but when the smell
Was conveyed from it to the nose, that lineage was known
١٨. ظَنَّهُ كنزاً فلمّا انْتَسَبَتْ
منهُ للأنفِ درى ذاك النسبْ
19. When he brought it out in his cloak I said
Is it the daughter of generosity or the mother of epochs?
١٩. قلتُ إذ أبرَزَها في قعبه
أهيَ بنت الكرم أم أمّ الحقب
20. It killed me and by me it is killed
The assault of the dead upon the living is strange
٢٠. قتلتني وهي بي مقتولةٌ
صولةُ الميت على الحيّ عجب
21. How can it not fell me with its assaults
While it is in my veins and nerves from me
٢١. كيفَ لا تصرعُني صَوّالةٌ
وهي منّي في عروقٍ وعصب
22. And beautiful is the guide if with it
You say a star in the full moon has set
٢٢. ومليح الدلّ إنْ علّ بها
قلتَ نجمٌ في فمِ البدر غرب
23. It illuminated coffee in the direction of life
And gave me a surplus of what it drank
٢٣. شعشعَ القهوةَ في صوب الحيا
وسقاني فضلةً مما شرب
24. So there met in my mouth from his cup
Water of generosity, clouds and mustache
٢٤. فتلاقى في فمي من كأسِهِ
ماءُ كرْمٍ وغمامٌ وشَنَبْ
25. And he plucked a string in praise of Yahya
Shaking from it the king his shoulders swayed
٢٥. وشدا من مدح يحيى نَغَماً
هزّ منه الملكُ عِطفيه طَرَب
26. From the source of glory for him, Mu'izz al-Din
The best grandfather and Tamim the best father
٢٦. مِن مُعِزِّ الدّين في الفخر له
خيرُ جَدٍّ وتميمٌ خيرُ أب
27. One whose face is pure and eloquent
Forever for the warrior not to be masked
٢٧. مَنْ له وجْهُ سماحٍ سافراً
أبداً للمجتدي لا ينْتقب
28. A king who feared for the breach of religion
And threw enemies with the mighty army
٢٨. مَلِكٌ عن ثُغْرَةِ الدّين اتّقى
ورمى الأعداءَ بالجيش اللجب
29. In the king's throne there is a moon from him
Illuminated on the day of gifts with meteors
٢٩. في سرير الملك منه قمرٌ
يُجْتَلَى يومَ العطايا بالسحب
30. Pure of manners, intimate of the lofty
Good of lineage, polished of lineage
٣٠. طاهرُ الأخلاق مألوفُ العلى
طيّبُ الأعراق مصقول الحسب
31. A just one, praise bows constantly to
Mention him, mouths of non-Arabs and Arabs
٣١. عادلٌ تعكف بالحمد على
ذكره أفواهُ عُجمٍ وعرب
32. Taking from his enemies what their heights have taken
Of loot
٣٢. سالبٌ منه الندى ما سَلَبَتْ
من أعاديه عواليه السُّلُب
33. In a position never ceasing to choose
The zealous from every select group of people
٣٣. في نصابٍ لم يزل من حِمْيَر
مُعْرِقاً في كلّ قومٍ مُنْتَخَب
34. If the army is mentioned, their resolve
Frightens with it and fear intensifies
٣٤. بُهَمٌ إنْ ذُكِرَ الجيشُ بِهِمْ
هالَ منه الرعبُ واشتدّ الرّهَب
35. And solid iron, were it not for their might
Would not be feared in stabbing, from the softness of reed
٣٥. والحديدُ الصلبُ لولا بأسُهُ
لم يخَفْ في الطعنِ من لين القصب
36. Their courage is affirmed in themselves
That the bitterness of striking is sweet like honey
٣٦. أثبت الإقدامُ في أنفسهمْ
أنّ مرّ الضّرْبِ حُلْوٌ كالضَّرَب
37. Whoever's palm has warded off the flow of generosity
Has been stung by the biting of plundering time
٣٧. يتّقي فيضَ النّدى مَنْ كَفّهُ
عيل منه لدغ دهر يَنتَهب
38. And if the teeth of consent laugh from it
No frown is feared in anger from it
٣٨. وإذا ما ضحكت سنّ الرضى
منه لم يُخْشَ عبوسْ في الغضب
39. Every drop from it finds a place to water
From his stream, and it was a drinking place indeed
٣٩. كلّ قطر منه يلقى مشرباً
من جداه ولقد كان سرب
40. His forbearance reckons the mountain a pebble
And its bounty makes you think the sea a mere puddle
٤٠. يحسب الطودَ حصاةً حلمُهُ
وتظنّ البحرَ نعماهُ ثُغَب
41. The people of merit have gotten their merit from it
And from the sun the glow of meteors
٤١. نالَ أهلُ الفضلِ منه فضلَهُمْ
ومن الشمس سنا نور الشّهب
42. Enemies fear its domination from it
While it is in the shade of its heights, concealed
٤٢. تتّقي الأعداءُ منه سطوةً
وهو في ظلّ علاه مُحتجب
43. The hiss of roses is feared in its leap
While it resides in the thickets, not having leapt
٤٣. والهصورُ الوردُ يُخْشى وثبهُ
وهو في الغيلِ مقيمٌ لم يثب
44. How many mouths have delighted us in mentioning it
It is like musk and how many fresh mouths
٤٤. كم فمٍ طاب لنا من ذكره
فهو كالمسكِ وكم ثغر عَذُب
45. It is as if the garden in its descriptions
Poetry and prose are dipped in it
٤٥. وكأنّ الرّوضَ في أوصافِهِ
تُغْمَسُ الأشْعار فيه والخطب
46. Firm as a mountain amidst the arena
Of heroes, the banners flowing and taken
٤٦. ثابتٌ كالطود في معتركٍ
جائلِ الأبطال خفّاقِ العَذَبْ
47. And heads in the meadows are crowned
And souls on the heights taken as spoils
٤٧. ورؤوسٌ بالمواضي تُخْتَلى
ونفوسٌ بالعوالي تُنتهب
48. How many brave ones have waded in its depths
With swords in throats embedded
٤٨. كم شجاعٍ خاض في مهجته
بسنانٍ في الحيازيم رسب
49. A pen practicing stabbing, so say
Did it erase life or death record?
٤٩. قلمٌ يمشقُ في الطّعنِ فَقُلْ
أمَحَا العيشَ أمِ الموتَ كتب
50. O you who have attained, from its favors
A cause from every growing cause
٥٠. أيها الواصلُ من إحسانِهِ
سبباً من كلّ منبَتِّ السبب
51. Lord of an opinion, you have equipped with it
An army tasting from it the toil of war
٥١. ربّ رأيٍ لك جَهّزْتَ به
جحفلاً ذاقَ العدى منه الشجب
52. You were absent from it on the day of war
Yet your unseen aid in it did not wane
٥٢. كنتَ يوم الحرب عنه غائباً
وظُبَى نصرِكَ فيه لم تَغِبْ
53. Like one playing his chess
His mind from it advanced in the game
٥٣. كالّذي يلعبُ في شطرنجه
رأيُهُ عنه تَخَطّى في اللّعب
54. I am one who on the day of purpose cried out
About its meanings, so strangers took flight
٥٤. أنا مَنْ صاح به يومَ النوى
عن مغانيه غرابٌ فاغترب
55. I roamed the horizons until my estrangement was complete
And the years of wisdom actualized
٥٥. طفتُ في الآفاق حتى اكتهلَتْ
غُرْبَتِي واحتنكت سنّ الأدب
56. Then I came to the king who
Outstretched across the world, its branches
٥٦. ثمّ أقبلتُ إلى الملكِ الذي
مدَّ بالطَّوْلِ على الدنيا طُنُب
57. He gave the eminent the palm of a paying out
So he picked the pearls and left the fragments
٥٧. منَحَ العلياء كَفّيْ ناقدٍ
فانتقى الدرّ وأبقى المخشلب
58. Perhaps in the remainder of my life
From him I fulfill some deserved rights
٥٨. فَلَعَلّي ببقايا عُمُري
منه أقضي البعضَ من حقٍّ وَجبْ