
The hand of fate is injurious, causing pain

يد الدهر جارحة آسيه

1. The hand of fate is injurious, causing pain
And your world is vanishing, transient

١. يدُ الدهرِ جارحةٌ آسيَهْ
ودنْيَاكَ مُفْنِيَةٌ فانيَهْ

2. While your Lord inherits its lords
And revives their withered bones

٢. وربّكَ وارثُ أربابها
وَمُحيي عظامِهمُ الباليه

3. I saw the plague destroy people
Its bite has no remedy

٣. رأيتُ الحِمامَ يبيدُ الأنامَ
وَلَدْغَتُهُ ما لها راقيه

4. And our souls are fruits for it
It extends to them a thieving hand

٤. وأرواحنا ثَمَرَاتٌ له
يَمُدّ إليها يداً جانيَه

5. And every person has seen with their hearing
The passing of past nations

٥. وكلّ امرئٍ قد رأى سمْعُهُ
ذهاباً منَ الأمَمِ الماضيه

6. A young man's soul is bare
And the bare must be returned

٦. وعاريةٌ في الفتى روحُهُ
ولا بدّ من رَدّة العاريه

7. May Allah water my father's grave with mercy
Sending to it a passing scent

٧. سقى اللّه قبر أبي رحمةً
فسقياهُ رائحةٌ غاديه

8. And facilitate his soul's release
To the Spirit and the pleasant life

٨. وسيّرَ عن جِسمه روحه
إلى الرَّوْحِ والعيشة الرّاضيه

9. So much pure manner was in him
And lofty, sublime ambition

٩. فكم فيه من خُلُقٍ طاهرٍ
ومن همّةٍ في العُلى ساميَه

10. And foremost, lofty generosity
With the sun of day his second

١٠. ومن كَرَمٍ في العُلى أوّل
وشمسُ النّهارِ لهُ ثانيَه

11. Had his manners embraced the age
Its waters would be clear

١١. ولوْ أنّ أخلاقَهُ للزّمانِ
لكانتْ مواردُهُ صافيه

12. The news of his death came to me
In the land of yearning, oh how woeful the news to my ears

١٢. أتاني بدارِ النوَى نَعْيُهُ
فيا روعةَ السمع بالداهيه

13. It reddened what had whitened of my tears
And whitened my dark sorrow

١٣. فحمّرَ ما ابيضّ من عَبرتي
وَبَيّضَ لِمّتيَ الداجيه

14. In the land of exile, as if life there
Has forgotten the stranger with its mention

١٤. بدارِ اغترابٍ كأنّ الحياةَ
لذكر الغريب بها ناسيه

15. I imagined him in my thoughts
And made near his distant soil

١٥. فمثّلتُ في خلدي شخْصَهُ
وَقَرّبْتُ تربته القاصيه

16. I mourned like a widow for Majid
With none to make me happy but rhyme

١٦. ونُحْتُ كثكلى على ماجدٍ
ولا مُسْعِدٌ لي سوى القافيه

17. Ancient heritage has a master
His line on the stars stamped sublime

١٧. قديمُ تراثِ العلى سَيّدٌ
على النّجْمِ خُطّتُهُ ساميه

18. He went with wise calm
He did not hurry the firm-standing mountain

١٨. مضى بالرّجاحةِ من حِلمِهِ
فما سَيّرَ الهضبَةَ الراسيه

19. Nor forget the sadness of the day we parted
And the secrets of our eyes laid bare

١٩. وما أنْسَ لا أنْسَ يوْم الفراق
وأسرارُ أعيننَا فاشيَه

20. And there passed to bid us farewell an hour
With the pearls of our falling tears

٢٠. ومَرّتْ لتوديعنَا ساعةٌ
بلؤلؤ أدْمُعِنَا حَاليَه

21. And my stepping on its embers barefoot
To cook and prepare

٢١. ولي بالوقوفِ على جمرها
وإنْضاجه قَدَمٌ حافيَه

22. I went to a bitter estrangement
And he to a blissful retreat

٢٢. ورحتُ إلى غربةٍ مُرّةٍ
وراحَ إلى غُرْبَةً ساجيَه

23. Into me he entrusted his principles
With stars whose rising is guiding

٢٣. وقَدْ أوْدَعَتني آراؤهُ
نجوماً طوالعُها هاديه

24. I heard the advice of my mentoring elder
Pleased with his distant land

٢٤. سمعتُ مقالَةَ شيخي النّصيحِ
وأَرضِيَ عَنْ أرضِهِ نائيه

25. As if my ear heard in it a scream
With which a lifetime bid farewell

٢٥. كأنّ بأذني لها صرخةً
أرادَ بها عُمَرٌ ساريه

26. He went, walking the roads of his forefathers
And ancestors, the departed noble ones

٢٦. مَضَى سالكاً سُبْلَ آبائهِ
وأجدادِهِ الغُرَرِ الماضيه

27. Generous people who confronted the threat of death
And left their glories lasting

٢٧. كرامٌ تولوا بريب المنونِ
وأبقوْا مفاخرَهُمْ باقيَه

28. He went and he was to me a brother of sorrow
That mingles with his lofty breath

٢٨. مَضَى وهو منّي أخو حَسرَةٍ
تُمازِجُ أنفاسَهُ الرّاقيَه

29. Bestowing in his push against pain and havoc
Upon his cheek, his weeping eye

٢٩. تجودُ بدفع الأسى والرّدى
على خدّه عينُهُ الباكيه

30. And I have after him deep sorrow
The affairs of tears for him ever-flowing

٣٠. وإني لذو حَزَنٍ بعده
شؤونُ الدمعِ لهُ داميَه

31. I wept for my father an era, with grief
Its landmarks visible to me

٣١. بكيتُ أبي حقبَةً والأسى
عليّ شَواهدُهُ باديه

32. No burning anguish has subsided
Nor flowing tear congealed

٣٢. وما خمدتْ لوعةٌ تلتظي
ولا جَمَدَتْ عَبرةٌ جاريه

33. And my soul, however lengthy its life
Did not meet a soul like his

٣٣. ونفسي وإن مُدّ في عُمرِها
لما لقيَتْ نفسُه لاقيه