1. Your sword sufficed to defend Islam from the aggression of disbelief
And you connected with the aggressors with might and victory
١. كفَى سيفُكَ الإسلامَ عاديةَ الكُفرِ
وَصُلْتَ على العادينَ بالعزِّ والنصرِ
2. And the words of the falsifiers became disproved
And the Most Merciful extended your lifetime
٢. وأصبَحَ قولُ المبطلين مُكذَّباً
ومَدَّ لَكَ الرّحمَنُ في أمَدِ العُمْرِ
3. And where is he who the astrologer determined his fate
When ten days passed for the fasting person from the month
٣. وأَينَ الَّذي حَدَّ المُنَجِّمُ كَوْنَهُ
إذا مَرّ لِلصُّوَّامِ عَشْرٌ مِنَ الشَّهرِ
4. And the news did not reach the ears that
God refused except to disbelieve the news
٤. وما قَرَعَ الأسماعَ بالخبرِ الَّذي
أبَى اللَّهُ إلّا أنْ يُكَذَّبَ بالخُبرِ
5. Tomorrow, the astrological calculations will be like wind in their contradiction
And its regulation became commonly known to be rejected
٥. غَدا الزّيجُ ريحاً في تَناقُضِ عِلمِهِ
وتعديلُهُ عُرفاً أحالَ على نُكْرِ
6. Why then did he not see his clear imprisonment
And walking in shackles as if lame and stumbling
٦. فهلّا رأى قَطْعاً عليهِ بِسَجْنِهِ
ومَشْياً بدُهْمٍ كانَ بالكَبْوِ والعَثرِ
7. And indeed Ali takes the sticks
With which he repels the extension of the enemies to the palace
٧. وإِنَّ عَليّاً يَنْتَضي القُضُبَ الَّتي
يَرُدّ بها مَدّ العُداةِ إلى قَصْرِ
8. Indeed the worshipers of the stars went astray and were not guided
By the sending of a messenger to the people or by a mention
٨. لَقَد ضَلَّ عُبّادُ النُّجومِ وما اهتَدوا
بِبَعثِ رَسولٍ للأَنامِ ولا ذِكرِ
9. And how much in this world did the brightly shining pass by them
Of bent people cloaked in ignorance
٩. وَكَم مَرَّ في الدُّنيا لَهم مِنْ مُمَخْرِقٍ
مِنَ النَّاسِ مَطوِيِّ الضّلوع على غَمرِ
10. When he wanders in the knowledge of the unseen, you would think him
Musailima the liar risen from his grave
١٠. إذا جالَ في عِلمِ الغيوبِ حَسبْتَهُ
مُسَيلِمَةَ الكذّابَ قامَ منَ القبرِ
11. Superstitions run between them instead of truths
Of lies from them, not from the seven oft-repeated
١١. أباطيلُ تجري بالحقائقِ بينهم
من الكِذْبِ منهم لا عنِ السبعةِ الزُّهرِ
12. And inclination towards them while in fact
Every vigilant person of reason turns away from them
١٢. وميلٌ إليها بالظنونِ وإنّما
يُنَكِّبُ عنها كلُّ يَقظانَ ذو حِجْرِ
13. The meteors are but like lamps that blaze
With the night for the sleepless and fade at dawn
١٣. وما الشُّهْبُ إلّا كَالمصابيحِ تلتَظي
مَعَ اللّيلِ للساري وتخمدُ في الفجرِ
14. So O you who are deceived by the star, tell us
Do you know a secret in it from its Lord made easy?
١٤. فَيا أَيُّها المغتَرُّ بالنَّجمِ قُلْ لَنا
أتعلمُ سرّاً فيه من ربّه يَسْري
15. And between you two is a distant separation so what
Does the Pleiades dispute differently from the Pleiades?
١٥. وبَينَكُما بَوْنٌ بَعيدٌ فما الَّذي
تَقَوّلَهُ الغفرُ اختِلافاً عَنِ الغفرِ
16. O most patient of rulers over one crazed
Even if he is vehement in the matter that calls for vehemence
١٦. فيا أحْلَمَ الأمْلاكِ عن ذي حِبالَةٍ
وإنْ جاءَ في الأمرِ الَّذي جَدّ بالإمْرِ
17. Save an ignorant gone astray or slipped or possessed
By madness since there is no doubting the sword in the throat
١٧. تدارك جهولاً ضلّ أو زلّ أوْ به
جُنونٌ فما يَرتابُ للسَّيفِ في النَّحرِ
18. So turn your fine pardoning into his punishment
For your status is high above baseness of status
١٨. فَصَيِّرْ جميلَ الصَّفحِ عنهُ عِقابَهُ
فقد جَلّ منكَ القدرُ عن ضَعَةِ القدرِ
19. Your ease in attaining wishes did not stop
Coming from God, not from sun or moon
١٩. سُعودُكَ في نيلِ المُنى لا تَوَقّفَتْ
منَ اللَّهِ تجري لا منَ الشَّمسِ وَالبدرِ
20. You held dominion so you smoothed the way
In order to smooth it by the view of the experienced, not the shallow
٢٠. ملكتَ فمهّدتَ الأمورَ مُجَرِّداً
لتمهيدها رأيَ المجرِّبِ لا الغُمْرِ
21. And you strung together hearts in loving affection
For you after they had been heterogeneous in compassion
٢١. وَنَظَّمتَ حبّاتِ القُلوبِ مَحَبَّةً
عَلَيكَ وقَد كانَت مباينةَ النَثرِ
22. For a matter in which you persisted in the siege in battle
And its battle is nothing but persistence in the siege
٢٢. لأمرٍ أدَمتَ الحَصرَ في حرْبِ جَرْبةٍ
وما حَرْبُها إلا مُداوَمَةُ الحصرِ
23. And you left the God-destroying Zarqis alone
With the whites slain in the island like pebbles
٢٣. وتَرْكُكَ بالزّرقِ اللّهاذِمِ أهْلَها
وبالبيضِ صَرْعى في الجزيرَة كالجَزْرِ
24. And they were not squeezed before this while in fact
The heating up of the fire produces boiling of the pot
٢٤. وما ضُويِقُوا مَن قبلِ هذا وإنّما
بقَدرِ التهابِ النّارِ تَغْليَةُ القِدرِ
25. With the march of armies in the seas towards them
Encircling them in assault together with the tide and ebb
٢٥. بِسَير جُيُوشٍ في البحُورِ إليهِمُ
تُحيطُ بهم زَحْفاً مع المَدّ والجَزْرِ
26. When they transported prey I exclaimed in wonder
When did ever the ferocious ones transport the lions?
٢٦. إِذا انتَقَلتْ بالصَّيدِ قُلتُ تَعَجُّباً
متى انتقل الآجام بالأُسُدِ الهُصْرِ
27. With white-feathered birds harmonious
To which the sweet waters flow red between the green thickets
٢٧. مجرِّدَةً بيضَ الحتوفِ خوافقاً
بها العَذَباتُ الحمرُ في اللُّجَجِ الخضرِ
28. And every captain who fears with oars
To challenge in simile the ten-fingered hand
٢٨. وكلّ مُديرٍ يتّقي بمَجاذِفٍ
مُشاكَلَة التَّشبيهِ في الأنمُلِ العشرِ
29. You see the fat above the tar from it melted
So who saw a night crawl with the dawn
٢٩. ترى الشحمَ فوق القارِ منه مُمَيَّعاً
فيا من رأى ليلاً تَسَرْوَلَ بالفجرِ
30. Blackness of crows amid the whiteness of doves
Flying with it gloriously on the water or running
٣٠. سَوادُ غُرابٍ في بَياضِ حَمامَةٍ
تَطيرُ بِهِ سَبحاً على الماءِ أو تَجري
31. You cut them off in life from every side
So they fell short in it from a systematic composition
٣١. قَطَعتَ بِهِم في العيشِ من كلِّ جانِبٍ
فَقَد أَقصروا فيها عنِ النظمِ بالنثرِ
32. And how many a bird whose wing you clipped
And he became imprisoned from flight in the nest
٣٢. وكم طائرٍ منهم قصصتَ جناحَهُ
فأصبحَ مسجوناً عنِ النَهضِ في الوكرِ
33. When they saw that the ones among them choked
You plugged with it the passage of breath in the chest
٣٣. لمّا رأوا أنَّ المخنَّق منهمُ
سَدَدْتَ به مجرى التنفُّسِ في الصدرِ
34. They relented and repented of sins that preceded
According to their claim, from cutting off the sea routes
٣٤. أنابوا وتابوا عن ذنوبٍ تَقَدّمَتْ
بزعمهمُ من قطعهم سُبُلَ البحرِ
35. So if they spread out obedience to you between them
After breasts had been cloaked in ignorance
٣٥. فَإِن نَشَرُوا ما بَينَهمْ لَكَ طاعَةً
وقد طُوِيَت مِنهُم صُدورٌ على غَمرِ
36. Then in your possession is a fire that rides the water towards them
To which there are matches that are struck from struck matches
٣٦. فَعِندَكَ نارٌ تَركَبُ الماءَ نَحوَهمْ
لَها زُنُدٌ يَقدَحنَ مِن زُنُدٍ بُتْرِ
37. And arrows not unlike the arrows of spying eyes
That fly by borrowed feathers from eagles
٣٧. ونبلٌ كنبل الأعْيُنِ النُّجْلِ أُرْسِلَتْ
تطيرُ بريشٍ مُستعار مِنَ النَّسرِ
38. Targeted for the enemies in war with destruction
When those are targeted in peace with sorcery
٣٨. تُنَصَّلُ للأعْداءِ في الحرب بالرّدى
إذا نُصِّلَتْ هاتيكَ في السلمِ بالسِّحرِ
39. And they are not going to deceive in war while he who destroys them
Is a youth who was born amid war in the womb
٣٩. وَلَن يخدعوا في الحربِ وهوَ مُبيدُهُم
فتىً كان مولوداً مِنَ الحربِ في حِجْرِ
40. And you are more cunning than the enemies
When you strike the army with the army in strategy
٤٠. وأَنتَ مِنَ الأَعداءِ أَدهى خديعةً
إذا ما صَدَمْتَ الجَّيشَ في الجَّيشِ بالمَكرِ
41. And you have sufficed in not provoking with prudence
Can one who set embers aflame avoid burning?
٤١. وكُنتَ عنِ التَّحريضِ بِالحَزمِ غانِياً
وهل يَعْدَمُ الإحراقَ مُتَّقِدُ الجمرِ
42. You were created for us from the essence of virtue, O leader
Your good fortune is from good fortune and your ease is from ease
٤٢. خُلِقْتَ لنا من جَوهَرِ الفضلِ سَيِّداً
وَيُمناكَ من يُمْنٍ وَيُسْراكَ من يُسْرِ
43. And the meek have depended in hardship upon the dew
Of your hands and can one shattered ever do without splinting?
٤٣. وَعَوّلَ في العسرِ الفَقيرُ على نَدى
يَدَيكَ وَهَل يَغْنى الكسيرُ عَنِ الجبرِ
44. Your time never ceases to descend upon prey
Like a lion immense of fangs and claws
٤٤. زَمانُكَ لا يَنفَكُّ يَفتَرِسُ العدى
كذي لِبْدَةٍ مُسْتَعْظَمِ النابِ وَالظفرِ
45. And your taste is of honey and so delights his people
While your manner is of ease upon them and of war
٤٥. وطَعْماكَ من شَهدٍ وطابَ لأَهلِهِ
وخُلقاكَ من سَهلٍ عَلَيهِم وَمِن وَعرِ
46. The lives of the son of Yahya are demise
For the enemies and their lifespans are truncated in lifespan
٤٦. حَياةَ ابنَ يَحيى للأَعادي مَنِيَّةٌ
وأَعمارُهمْ مَبتُورةٌ مِنهُ بِالعمرِ
47. Indeed from him the lofty ones have prided
With a fraying mottled face shining with good news
٤٧. لَقَد فَخَرت مِنهُ العلى بِسَمَيْذَعٍ
لإحسانه وَجْهٌ تَبَرْقَعَ بالبِشرِ
48. With greatest who entreats any greatest
And he bows, bowing of humility to the hawk
٤٨. بأكبرَ يستخذي له كلّ أكبرٍ
فيُطرِقُ إطراقَ البُغاثَةِ للصَّقرِ
49. When kings are praised he stands in praise of him
The world stands by his virtues in pride
٤٩. إذا مُدِحَ الأملاك قام بمدحِهِ
لهُ قَدَمُ الدنيا على قَدَمِ الفخرِ
50. Towards you we have ridden every riding horse with its surge
As the stubborn donkey stubbornly dragged itself
٥٠. إِلَيكَ امتَطَينا كُلَّ راغٍ بِمَوجِهِ
كَما جَرجَرَ القَرْمُ الحقودُ على المكري
51. When it swells and extends in the wind, its extension
We liken it to your abundant, flooding beneficence
٥١. إذا ما طما وامتدّ بالرّيح مدُّهُ
ذَكرنا به فيَّاضَ نائِلك الغمرِ
52. And if not for you, we would not ride ample ships
Flecked with meat therein to the age
٥٢. ولولاك لم نركب غواربَ زاخرٍ
مسنَّمَةً في اللَّحمِ مِنهُ إلى العمرِ
53. And if articulating your glory with wealth eluded me
Then leaving the resolve clears the excuse
٥٣. وَإِن فاتَني إِعذارُ شِبليكَ بِالغنى
فإنَّ بترك العزم مُتّضِحَ العُذرِ
54. I have weakened from the strong resolve over time
And my stride was transferred after length to a span
٥٤. ضَعُفتُ عن النّهْضِ القوي زَمَانَةً
وَنُقّلَ بعد الباع خَطوي إِلى شِبرِ
55. And I guide in navigating the marvels of my wanderings
And the miracle of my composition every pristine gem
٥٥. وَإِنّي لأهدي في سُلوكِ غَرائِبي
ومُعجِزِ نَظمي كُلَّ جَوهَرَة بِكرِ
56. That whenever one builds a house of poetry from my utterances
Fate's pick turns away from demolishing it
٥٦. إِذا ما بَنى بَيتاً مِنَ الشِّعرِ مِقوَلي
ثنى نابياً عن هَدْمِهِ معولَ الدَّهرِ
57. And poetry is not devoid of metrical defects
But it is magic and its builder is my mind
٥٧. وَما الشِّعرُ ما يخلو من الكَسْرِ وَزْنُهُ
ولكنَّهُ سحرٌ وبابِلُهُ فكري
58. And indeed I am certain beyond wishes
And how much sunrise has the lion had of downpour clouds?
٥٨. وَإِنِّي بما فَوقَ المُنى مُوقِنٌ
وكم شَرَقٍ لِلَّيثٍ مِن وابِل القطرِ