
And thirsty ones in the flames of their braziers

ومعطشات في سعور قيونها

1. And thirsty ones in the flames of their braziers
Are watered, all skulls and shoulders,

١. ومُعَطَّشاتٍ في سُعُورِ قُيونها
تُسْقى نجيعَ جماجمٍ وكواهِلِ

2. And from the lightning on the heads because of its falling
Thunder aims the blood in a downpour.

٢. وَمِنَ البروقِ على الرؤوسِ لِوَقْعِها
رعدٌ يَصُوبُ منَ الدماءِ بِوابِلِ

3. And as though the wings of moths are torn apart
Scattered above streams from them,

٣. وَكَأنَّ أَجنِحَةَ الفراشِ تَقَطّعتْ
منثورةً منهنّ فَوقَ جَداولِ

4. From every white charger running in its sheath,
Death's cavalry stands massed on the coast,

٤. من كلّ أبيضَ راكِضٍ في غِمده
لجّ المنيّة مُعطبٌ بالساحِلِ

5. Making the tax-collectors gallop in their plots,
With lances that witnessed the affairs of Wa'il.

٥. يَفري الضرائِبَ في حبائكِ سردِها
بمضاربٍ شهِدتْ وقائعَ وائلِ

6. And as though a wasteland stretches in its expanse,
In its sands, for the ants, a track of sandals.

٦. وكأنّما قفْرٌ يطولُ بمتنِهِ
في رمله للنملِ إِثرَ أنامِلِ