
I gazed upon their spears and ours

أرأيت لنا ولهم ظعنا

1. I gazed upon their spears and ours
And saw the gap between them and us

١. أرأيتَ لنَا ولهم ظُعُنا
وصنيعَ البين بهمْ وبنا

2. I gazed at them drunk with wines
From cups brimming with sadness

٢. أرأيتَ نشاوَى قد سكروا
بكؤوسِ نوىً مُلئتْ شجنا

3. She gazed with longing, and he with longing gazed
Their blood turned thin, and thin turned our blood

٣. ومهاً نَظَرَتْ ونواظرُها
وَصَلتْ دمناً وجفت دمنا

4. They left, and their leave awoke
What lay dormant in your burning breast

٤. رحلوا فأثار رحيلُهُمُ
من حرّ ضلوعك ما كمنا

5. I fancied their fading forms a mirage
And their ships like mounts across a waste

٥. وحسبتُ سرابَ تتابعهمْ
لججاً وركائبَهمْ سُفُنا

6. She gazed with longing, and he with longing gazed
Her glances were made to seduce our glances

٦. ومهاً نَظَرَتْ ونَوَاظرُها
خُلِقَتْ لنواظرنا فتنا

7. With each farewell the tears of every beauty
Betrayed the heart's secret aloud

٧. من كلّ مُوَدِّعةٍ نَطَقَتْ
بالسّرّ مدامعُهَا عَلَنَا

8. The morning left you with the dawn
And sheltered by a sandy hill her bough.

٨. سفرتْ لوداعك شمسَ ضحىً
وَثَنَتْ بكثيبِ نقا غُصُنا

9. She pelted you with a fickle glance
Forsaking you to wander in the night

٩. ورَمَتْكَ بمقلةِ خاذلةٍ
هَجَرَتْكَ وعاوَدتِ الوَسنَا

10. You find her stirring in the dark
Disturbing you when you would rest

١٠. وترى للسحر بها حركاً
فبه تؤذيك إذا سكنا

11. Much they disquieted my love through her tricks
I grieved in secret, complaint betrayed my woe

١١. كثرتْ في الحبّ بها عللي
فظهرتُ أسىً وخفيتُ ضنى

12. Oh how she wounded my soul and heart
I dedicated myself entirely to her

١٢. يا وجدي كيف وجدت به
روحي وغدوت له بَدنا

13. Quit thoughts of her aloofness
Change dwelling place for dwelling place

١٣. دَعْ ذكرَ نَزُوحٍ عنك نأى
وتَبَدّلْ من سَكَنٍ سَكَنَا

14. Let your passion alight on one
Whose time has come and gone

١٤. ونزولَ هواكَ بمنزلةٍ
كَتَبَتْ زمناً ومحتْ زمنا

15. Stain your right hand with henna
It brings joy and banishes sorrow

١٥. واخضبْ يمناك بِقانِية
فلها فَرَجٌ ينفي الحزنا

16. You will see stars shimmering in the sunset
Their beauty made radiant just for you

١٦. وتريك نجوماً في شَفَقٍ
يَجلو الظلماءَ لهنّ سنَا

17. The full moon rose from her teasing hand
As fair as a pearl, rid of all blame

١٧. من كفِّ مطرِّفَةٍ عَنَماً
كالبدر بَدا والرئمِ رنا

18. No coquette can wear it and not find
Its heady scent makes them its slave

١٨. لا ينكثُ فيها ذو شَغَفٍ
بالعَذْلِ وإن خلعَ الرّسنا

19. My skill has won me many spoils
My cunning has outmatched the wise

١٩. إنّي استوليتُ على أمدي
ووطئتُ بفطنتيَ الفِطَنَا

20. Tell me who can overtake me
In praising the most beautiful of beauties

٢٠. وسبقتُ فمنْ ذا يلحقني
في مدح عُلا الحسنِ الحسنا

21. A king of kings, of lofty ideals
Whose right hand is full of bounty

٢١. ملكٌ في الملك له هِمَمٌ
نَالَتْ بيمينيه المنَنا

22. Whose leader marches by his side
And pardons with his mighty power

٢٢. قُرِنَتْ باليُمْنِ نَقيبَتُهُ
والعفوُ بقدرتِهِ قُرنا

23. The sun seemed far in his splendor
But drew nearer in his brilliance

٢٣. كالشمسِ نأتْ عن مبصرها
بُعْداً وسناها منه دنا

24. He who smashed the pagan hordes
With his zeal abased their brazen gods

٢٤. من صانَ الدينَ بِصَولَتِهِ
وأذلّ بعزّتهِ الوَثَنَا

25. He ends all poverty through his wealth
And shames the timid through his courage

٢٥. من يَحْدِرُ فقراً عنك إذا
فاضَتْ نعماهُ عليك غِنَى

26. His sanctuary offers safety
To those who fear the mortal world

٢٦. ورأى مَنْ ضنّ فضائلَهُ
فسخا وتَشَجّعَ مَنْ جَبُنَا

27. Destroying riches he rebuilds
The noble with greater bounty

٢٧. وإذا ما أَمَّ له حَرَماً
مَنْ خافَ مِنَ الدنْيا أمِنَا

28. Guarding honor, raising its worth
He scorns the plentiful like dung

٢٨. ولئنْ هدَم الأموالَ فَقَدْ
شادَ العلياءَ بها وبنى

29. His realm seems on his day of glory
Like the day all pilgrims stand at Mina

٢٩. إن صانَ العِرْضَ وأكْرَمهُ
فقذال الوفر قد امتهنا

30. Through him our hopes will be fulfilled
And all our wishes gratified

٣٠. وكأنّ الحجّ لساحته
في يوم نداه يومُ مِنى

31. When drunk with blood his sharp swords
Sing songs to split their skulls,

٣١. ولنا من فَضْلِ مَذاهِبِهِ
آمالٌ نَبْلُغُها ومُنى

32. The glitter of their blades is like
Water flowing without end

٣٢. وصَوَارمُ للأقدارِ فلا
تقفُ الكفّارُ لها جُنَنَا

33. No garden was made verdant by their steps
No stream sweetened in time

٣٣. تَشْدوه إذا سكرتْ بدمٍ
في ضرب جماجمهم غننا

34. The torrents of his cavalry charge
Sweeping doubts away like clouds

٣٤. يَتَنَبّعُ ماءُ تألُّقِهَا
فيقالُ أفي سَكَنٍ سكنا

35. When their dust storms swell and loom
You'd think them nests for eagles

٣٥. لا رَوْضَ ذَوَى منها قِدماً
بالدّهْرِ ولا ماءٌ أسنا

36. The son of Ali holds glory in his grip
His is the deed, while words are ours

٣٦. وتسيلُ سيولُ جحافله
فحقائقها تنفي الظَّنَنا

37. A moon giving freely of his rain-washed palm
His fingers pour blessings as though weeping

٣٧. وإذا ما هَبْوتُها كَثُفَتْ
تجِدُ العقبانُ بها وُكُنَا

38. With his thoughts he gently corrects opinion
Piercing them with his subtle wisdom

٣٨. إن ابنَ عليّ حازَ عُلاً
فالفعلُ له والقولُ لنا

39. They never truly mastered the dark lions
Save as meat for prey and carrion

٣٩. قَمَرٌ تُسْتَمْطَرُ مِنه يَدٌ
فتجودُ أناملُه مُزُنا

40. It seems the war brings out their beauty
Displaying it as something wondrous

٤٠. ينحو الآراءَ بفكرته
فيصيبُ لها نُقَباً بِهِنَا

41. You'd think their interlinking armor was
A torrent streaming between the hills

٤١. من غُلْبِ أسُودٍ ما عَمَرُوا
إلّا آجامَ ظباً وقَنَا

42. Their thickening darkness veils their sight
Until their eyelids seem like ears

٤٢. وكأنّ الحربَ إذا فتحَتْ
تبدي لهمُ مرأىً حَسنَا

43. Matched by their lineage are names
We hold in high and loving esteem

٤٣. وتخالهمُ فيها ادّرَعوا
بِسَلُوق وقد سَلّوا اليَمنَا

44. A tree lush upon the hillsides
Whose shade and fruit we gather and eat

٤٤. وكأنّ سوابغَهُمْ حَبَبٌ
قد جاشَ بهم ماءٌ أجِنا

45. When he flashes his blade in anger
He makes the slimmest waist grow fat

٤٥. يغشى الإظلامَ بها الضرغا
مُ فتجعَلُ مُقْلَتَهُ أذُنا

46. His spear point was enough, no need to strike with his sword, it was said
Does one pierce when one has already stabbed?

٤٦. ولهم بإزاءِ قرابتهم
أسماءٌ نُعْظِمُها وَكُنَى

47. O you who revived forgotten glory
Through your ode to his generosity

٤٧. شَجَرٌ بالبّرِ مورّقَةٌ
ننتابُ لها ظلّاً وَجَنى

48. You perfected the art of poetry
And struck true with your words

٤٨. وإذا مَتَحَتْ مُهجاً يدُهُ
جعل الخطّيّ لها شطنا

49. You took after your father in resemblance and character
Matching his outstanding qualities.

٤٩. وكفاه الرمحُ فَعالَ السيف
فقيل أيضربُ مَنْ طَعَنا

50. If weighed, a mere pebble of your goodness
Would make even the heaviest scale rise up.

٥٠. يا من أحيا بالفخر له
بمكارمه أدباً دُفِنَا

51. You built towering ships swift as birds
And founded cities above the waves

٥١. فأفادَ الشّعرَ مُنَقِّحه
وأصابَ بمنطقِهِ اللّسنَا

52. With towers arrayed for battle that seem
Like spears soaring to the horizon,

٥٢. أشبهتَ أباكَ وكنتَ بما
أشبهتَ مَعاليه قمنا

53. Raining fire on the enemy ships
And kindling flames in their hulls

٥٣. وحصاةُ أناتك لو وُزِنَتْ
أنْسَتْ برجاحتها حَضَنَا

54. Hurling missiles as white as naphtha
You'd think them water yet consuming all,

٥٤. أنشأتَ شوانيَ طائرةً
وبنيتَ على ماءٍ مُدُنا

55. Success and conquest are guaranteed
Against those who would threaten you.

٥٥. ببروجِ قتالٍ تحسبها
في شُمّ شواهقها قُنَنَا

56. I'm the one who gifted you this panegyric,
Pearls valued at the highest price.

٥٦. ترْمي ببروجٍ إنْ ظَهَرَتْ
لعدوٍّ محرقةً بَطَنَا

57. Though long my rose I make it new with praise
There did I speak it and speak it here again

٥٧. وبنفطٍ أبيضَ تَحْسَبُهُ
ماءً وبه تذكي السّكَنَا

58. I praised your father in his youth
And here I am, aged in his sunset glow

٥٨. ضَمِنَ التوفيقُ لها ظَفَراً
من هُلْكِ عداتك ما ضمنا

59. I made Sicily my ward, shunning it as home
And took Tunisia instead as my country.

٥٩. أنا مَن أهدى لك مُمْتَدحاً
دُرَراً أغليتُ لها ثمنا

60. You made your enemies cower, begging
What safety your frown or favor might allow.

٦٠. وقديمُ الوِرْدِ جديدُ الحَمْدِ
هناك أفوهُ به وهنا

61. The clouds of your help refused no rain
While the sky of your gift refused no bounty,

٦١. ومدَحتُ غلاماً جدّ أبيك
وها أنذا شيخاً يَفَنَا

62. You remain as constant as a warrior nun
Embarking with courage on every venture.

٦٢. وتخذتُ تَجِنّةَ لي وطناً
وهجرتُ صقلّيَةً وطنا

٦٣. لَقِيَتكَ عُداتُكَ صاغرَةً
ترجو من نَوْءَيْكَ الهُدنا

٦٤. فسحابُ نداكَ هَمَتْ مِنَحاً
وسماءُ ظباك هَمَتْ مَحنَا

٦٥. وبقيتَ بقاءَ مجاهدة
وسلكتَ لكلّ عُلاً سفُنُا