1. Your radiant face has disappeared from our vision,
And may God bring the day we see you near.
١. جَلا مُحَيّاكَ عَن أَبصارِنا الرَّمَدا
وقرّبَ اللَّه مِن مَرآكَ ما بَعُدَا
2. It comes bearing four gifts:
The full moon, the high dune, the rain clouds and the lion.
٢. وجاءَ يَحمِلُ مِنكَ الطِّرْفُ أربعَةً
البدرَ والطودَ والدّأماءَ والأَسَدا
3. A man could give his eyes for a single glance from you,
That would relieve sorrow and veil grief.
٣. تَكادُ تَبذُلُ عَينُ المَرءِ أسْوَدَها
في نظرَةٍ منك تنفي الهمَّ والكَمَدا
4. Each one is delighted by a face in his family,
A light that the elders bow to when it shines on them.
٤. كُلٌّ مسرٌّ بِوَجهٍ في أَسِرَّتِهِ
نورٌ إذا ما رماهَ أكبرٌ سَجَدا
5. You singled out your lions for defending the faith,
While you remained singular in your benevolence.
٥. ظُباكَ بالردّ عن دين الهُدى انفرَدَتْ
وأنتَ ما زلتَ بالإنعامِ مُنْفَرِدا
6. A lion whose fangs shred the swords,
You'd think its mane was made of hair and twisted threads.
٦. ليثٌ تَخالُ سُيوفاً في بَراثنِهِ
وتحسبُ الزّغْفَ منه الشَّعْرَ واللبدا
7. As if its eyelids in war were dyed red
With the blood of Indians mixed with wine.
٧. كَأَنَّ أجفانَهُ في الحَربِ قَد وَرَدَت
مَعَ الدِّماءِ منَ الهِندِيِّ ما وَرَدا
8. So fierce are the blows from its right hand, should a sword taste them,
It would get drunk with blood spilled copiously.
٨. لِشِدَّةِ البَأسِ في يُمناهُ ضَربَتُهُ
إِن أُسكِرَ السَيفُ مِنها بِالنَجيعِ شَدا
9. And for the Rudaini, on the day of the thrusting of spears, are lofty deeds,
Shredding livers amidst the throngs of warriors.
٩. وَلِلرُّدَينِيِّ يَوْمَ الطّعنِ عالِيَةٌ
تَلوكُ بَينَ حَشا الضِّرغامَةِ الكَبِدا
10. The faith relies on a king whose kingdom
Rises and sets with trust in the Merciful.
١٠. فالدِّينُ معتَمدٌ مِنهُ على مَلكٍ
يُمسي ويُضحي على الرّحمنِ مُعتَمِدا
11. As if the shooting stars flung from his tongue
Strike down the tyrants of disbelief who oppose him.
١١. كَأنّ شُهبَ رجومٍ في أَسِنَّتِهِ
يُرْدي بِها مِن طُغاةِ الكفرِ مَن وَرَدا
12. And whenever he resolves to unfurl the banners,
His hands harvest victories from his resolutions.
١٢. وَكُلَّما عَقَدَ الرّاياتِ مُعتَزِماً
حَلّتْ أَياديهِ مِن آرائِهِ عُقَدا
13. A bold man who, when adversity disputes with him,
Disputes it back in a struggle he sees as one of equals.
١٣. شَهمٌ صَبورٌ إذا ما القرمُ زاحَمهُ
مُزاحماً في كِفاحٍ ظَنّهُ أُحُدا
14. A warrior who charges into the fray of fright,
As if he is a roaring lion carrying its cubs.
١٤. وقُرَّحٍ بكُماةِ الرّوعِ مُقْدِمَةٍ
كَأنَّهُنَّ سَعَالٍ تحمِلُ الأُسُدا
15. When the sky clears of its clouds,
The lances are pillars for them holding the sky aloft.
١٥. إذا تَبِينُ سماءٌ عن عجاجَتِها
كَانَت لَهُم سمهَرِيَّاتُ القَنا عَمَدا
16. With every Indian sword, its steel immersed in blood,
The cold from it freezes the blood spilled atop it into ice.
١٦. مِن كُلِّ ذِمْرٍ منَ الفولاذِ غاصَ به
يُجَمّدُ القَرُّ مِنهُ فَوقَهُ زَبَدا
17. It slashes with a stick, if its swing is provoked
On the day of fighting, to the eyes of one lying asleep.
١٧. يَسطُو بِعَضبٍ إِذا ما هَزّ مَضْرِبَهُ
يومَ الضّرابِ لعيني ساهِدٍ رَقَدا
18. It does not let the soul sip from the body of one clad in armor
Until it sees the sword devouring the links of mail.
١٨. لا يشربُ الرّوحَ من جُثمانِ ذي زَردٍ
حَتَّى يَرى الحدّ مِنهُ يَأكلُ الزّرَدا
19. You unleashed a flood of armies against your enemies,
Leaving the land bereft of them, devoid of pillars.
١٩. أسَلْتَ سَيْلَ نجيعٍ من عِداكَ بهم
في الأرضِ منهُم فَغادَرت الثرى عَمِدا
20. O pivot of all acts of grace! O you
Whose justice is the pillar of all the helpless!
٢٠. يا مَنْ عليه مَدُار المَكرُماتِ ومَنْ
بِعَدْلِهِ كُلُّ مُضطَرٍّ له سُنِدا
21. Yearning souls have flocked to you and found relief
In your name, and hands outstretched for aid were healed by you.
٢١. طارَتْ إِلَيكَ بَنُو الآمالِ وَانتَشَقَتْ
مِن ذِكرِكَ الندَّ واستَشفَينَ مِنكَ يَدا
22. You never turned any asker away without fulfilling their request,
Nor left any yearner unmet in your munificence.
٢٢. فَما انحرَفْتَ بِراجٍ عن بُلوغِ مُنىً
ولا تركتَ لصادٍ بالعطاءِ صدا
23. I do not desire to live far from my homeland,
For I am pleased with Homs after it as my home.
٢٣. لا نأيَ لي بِتَنائي السّيرِ عن بَلَدي
فقد رضيتُ بحمصٍ بَعْدَهُ بلَدا
24. I was parted from my own people and joined theirs,
But God never parted us, not ever.
٢٤. بُدِّلتُ مِن مَعشَرِ الأَدْنَين مَعشَرها
لا فَرَّقَ اللَّهُ فيما بَينَنا أَبَدا
25. How many of my kin lie buried beneath the soil from me,
And I lamented the loss of none of them.
٢٥. وكَم حَوى التُّرْبُ دوني من ذَوي رَحِمي
وما مَقَلْتُ لِبُعدي منهمُ أحدا
26. Nor did the death of my father please me,
Though a parent's death often grieves their child.
٢٦. ولم يُسِرْنيَ من مثواكَ مَوْتُ أبي
وَقَد يُقَلقِلُ مَوْتُ الوالِدِ الوَلَدا
27. You did not bar my way from reuniting with them,
But you made my own chains keep me from them.
٢٧. وما سَدَدتَ سَبيلي عن لِقائِهِمُ
لَكِنْ جَعَلتَ صِفادي عنهُمُ الصّفَدا
28. Yet kindness is beautiful when its sweetness
Flows over my heart and cools the heat of grief.
٢٨. وحسنَ برٍّ إذا فاضَتْ حلاوَتهُ
على فؤاديَ من حَرِّ الأَسى بَرَدا