
The sons of the notable came to you eagerly,

جاءتك أولاد الوجيه ولاحق

1. The sons of the notable came to you eagerly,
So they saw in you the Creator's innovation in creation,

١. جاءتك أولادُ الوجيه ولاحقِ
فأرَتْكَ في الخَلقِ ابتداعَ الخالقِ

2. Twisting serpents, fluttering hummingbirds,
Gazelles of Ajjam, and the necks of towering ones.

٢. نينانُ أمواه وفُتْخُ سباسبٍ
وظباءُ آجامٍ وعُصْمُ شواهقِ

3. With twists as if they were pens of the innovator of writing unsheathing,
They have signed to you with happiness and have not drawn

٣. بمؤلَّلاتٍ تستديرُ كَأَنّها
أقلامُ مُبتدعِ الكتابةِ ماشقِ

4. With the blackness of patterns in the whiteness of beautifully decked out,
A cave decorated whose creation was perfected

٤. قد وَقّعتْ لك بالسعود وما جَرَتْ
بسوادِ نِقْسٍ في بياض مَهارِقِ

5. With beauties from her beauty and proportions.
It is as if her faces gave life to your elevation

٥. غُرٌّ محجَّلَةٌ تكامَلَ خلقها
بمجانسٍ من حسنها ومطابقِ

6. So the dawn poured in them the whites of paths.
The treasures of their Arabic in their necks rattled

٦. وكأنّما حَيّتْ عُلاكَ وجوهها
فأسال فيها الصبحُ بيضَ طَرائقِ

7. And thrived through the abundance of their successive opponent.
And when majesty stripped off its garb,

٧. كرّت ذخائر عربها في عتقها
وَشَأتْ بفضلة عَدوِها المُتلاحِقِ

8. She wore a transparent garment of every pleasant color.
From every edge it takes flight like its edge,

٨. وإذا الجلال تجرّدَت عن جردها
لبست غلالةَ كلّ لونٍ رائقِ

9. Its leaping overriding that of the preceding.
A rose whose red moisture pulsed in it

٩. من كلّ طِرْفٍ يستطيرُ كَطَرْفِهِ
جَرْياً فوثبَتُه غِلابُ السابِقِ

10. Like a rose gifted in spring to one smiling.
It is as if its bashfulness and the bashfulness of its face

١٠. وَرْدٌ تَمَيَّعَ فيه عَنْدَمُ حُمْرَةٍ
كالورد أُهْدِيَ في الرّبيع لناشقِ

11. Were an afterglow in which shone the rise of the radiant.
It is as if the morn honored its mouth with a kiss

١١. وكأَنَّهُ وكأنَّ غُرَّةَ وَجهِهِ
شفقٌ تألّقَ فيه مطلَعُ شارِقِ

12. So the place of the kiss whitened to the eye of the observer.
Hunting with vigor and charm

١٢. وَكَأَنَّ صبحاً خصَّ فاه بِقُبلَةٍ
فابيضّ موضعها لِعَيْن الرامقِ

13. In the bewilderment of the beloved and obedience of the lover.
And if it neighs, singing with the neigh,

١٣. مُتَصيِّدٍ برياضةٍ وطلاقةٍ
في تيه معشوقٍ وطاعة عاشقِ

14. It makes me forget the songs of place of worship and places of ascension.
And red-gold is the color of its shirt with duskiness

١٤. وإذا تَغَنّى بالصهيل مطرِّباً
أنسى أغانِيَ مَعْبَدٍ ومخارقِ

15. Like the blowing wind in the kindling of lightning.
You see it trot away like the darkening with its crupper

١٥. ومزعفرٍ لونَ القميص بِشُقْرَةٍ
كالرّيح تعصفُ في التِهاب البارقِ

16. Amazingly and turn towards like the rising of the hero.
And if the unobtainable is accompanied by it, it takes you

١٦. وتَراهُ يدبرُ كالظليمِ بِرِدفِهِ
عُجْباً ويُقبِلُ كانتصابِ الباشقِ

17. To a limit that is forever hard on the imagining mind.
The bay horse nearly acted for the absence of the studied

١٧. وإِذا طَرَقت به انتَهى بكَ غايَة
أبداً تشقّ على الخيال الطارقِ

18. And legitimized like wine the forbidden to the taster.
It extended over the sea at its crossing

١٨. كَادَ الكميتُ يَنوبُ عَن لَعسِ اللمى
ويسوغُ كالخمر الكُمَيْتِ لذائقِ

19. A bridge, calmly embracing the sky.
Horses as if the galloping from their arrogance

١٩. ويَمدُّ فَوْقَ البحرِ عِندَ عُبورِهِ
جسراً بهادٍ للسماءِ معانقِ

20. Were in the heart of each stubborn and hypocritical one.
It is as if they divided between themselves the eyes of contentious ones

٢٠. خَيلٌ كَأنَّ الرّكضَ من خيلائها
في قلب كلّ معاندٍ ومنافقِ

21. And the anuses of ravens and the market of chatterboxes.
Their forelocks deceive every foolish slanderer

٢١. وكَأَنَّما اقتَسَمَتْ عيونَ أَجادلٍ
وشدوقَ غربانٍ وسوقِ نقانِقِ

22. With the guile of the heroes of events, clever,
And if they stirred up clouds with their hooves,

٢٢. قُدْها تخب بكلّ ذِمْرٍ أبلهٍ
بخداعِ أبطال الوقائِعِ حاذِقِ

23. They would pour upon the enemies a pouring of bolts.
You have become among the masters a supporter of a state

٢٣. وإِذا أثَرْنَ بِنَقعِهِنَّ سحائِباً
صبَّتْ على الأعداءِ صَوْبَ صواعِقِ

24. Whose justice describes the highest domains.
A hero whose mention in its registers lengthens

٢٤. أصبحتَ في السادات ناصرَ دَوْلَةٍ
تصفُ العُلى عدل مناطقِ

25. Like his sword in the scabbards during battle.
Traveling towards the heights, residing

٢٥. بطلاً يطول بذكره في سلمهِ
كصياله بحسامِهِ في المازقِ

26. With the army in the shade of the fluttering banner.
His resolves tightened its perils as

٢٦. مُتَرَحِّلاً نحوَ المعالي ساكِناً
بالجيش في ظلِّ اللواءِ الخافِقِ

27. The straps were tightened with the knot of WHITE beads.

٢٧. شَدّتْ عزائمُهُ مهالكَهُ كما
شُدّتْ فرازينٌ بعقدِ بيادِقِ