
You tortured me with your glances,

عذبتني بالعنصرين

1. You tortured me with your glances,
With the heat of your eyes and the tears in mine.

١. عَذّبْتني بالعُنْصُرَيْنِ
بلظى حشاي وماءِ عيني

2. You made me seem sickly to beholders,
As sickness itself appeared in their gazing.

٢. ألْبَسْتِي سَقَماً أرا
كِ لَبِسْتِهِ في الناظرينِ

3. My body is the phantom which
My longing creates before you.

٣. جسمي هو الطّيْفُ الّذي
يُدْنِيهِ منكِ طِلابُ ديني

4. And I was hidden from suspicion,
Trusting the looks of slanderers.

٤. ولقد خَفِيتُ من الضّنا
وأمِنْتُ لَحْظَ الكاشحينِ

5. And if I escaped perdition,
It was because none knew where I was.

٥. ولئن سلمتُ من الرّدى
فلأنّهُ لم يدر أيْني