
I remained with life while my poetry died

بقيت مع الحياة ومات شعري

1. I remained with life while my poetry died
With my gray hair, disgrace purifies it

١. بَقيتُ مَعَ الحياةِ وماتَ شَعْري
بشيبي فالقذالُ به يُنقّى

2. So my poetry is not shrouded in dye
Nor is it exposed to gazes

٢. فشَعري لا يُكفَّنُ في خضابٍ
ولا ينفكّ للأنظار مُلْقى

3. And he whom death took from you
Left you without a shroud, with sorrow remaining in you

٣. وَتَركُكَ مَنْ شَجاكَ الموتُ منه
بِلا كَفَنٍ لِحُزْنٍ فيكَ أَبْقى

4. So do not dye your gray hair to please the vain
And then sing happily while suffering miserably

٤. فَلا تَخضِبْ مَشيبَكَ لِلغَواني
فَتَغنى عَنهُ ناعِمَةً وتَشقى

5. For the witness of your fake dye is not given
With its falsehood, truth from the youth

٥. فشاهدُ زورِ خَضْبكَ لَيس يُعْطى
بِباطِلِهِ مِنَ الغاداتِ حقّا

6. So do not desire the young woman while you are an old man
For attaining her is far from capturing a neck

٦. فَلا تَهوَ الفتاةَ وأنْتَ شيخٌ
فأبعدُ وَصْلِها مِنْ صَيْدِ عَنْقا