
The gazelles prohibited him, and the reproachers,

نهت الكواشح عنه والعذالا

1. The gazelles prohibited him, and the reproachers,
So it was as if he filled his hands with union.

١. نَهَتِ الكواشحَ عنه والعُذّالا
فَكَأنَّما ملأتْ يديه وصالا

2. Do you think her pity for the pain of love
With the tinkle of bangles pleading for peace?

٢. أَتَظُنّها رَحِمَتْهُ من أَلمِ الجَوَى
بِمُخَلخَلٍ يَستَرحِمُ الخِلخَالا

3. A thirsty man seeking water from his flowing tears
From the lips of cold iron fresh and pure.

٣. ظَمآنُ يَستسقي أُجاجَ دموعِهِ
من عارِضِ البَرِد الشنيبِ زلالا

4. Until when love's sting pierced his heart,
He drank anguish and was given confusion.

٤. حَتّى إذا لَذَعَ الغَرامُ فؤادَهُ
شربَ الغليلَ وأُشرِبَ البِلبالا

5. Grieving, his imagination clothed him with a returning phantom,
So it was as if the imagination visited a phantom.

٥. مُضْنىً أزارتْهُ خيالاً عائداً
فكأنّما زارَ الخيالُ خيالا

6. He does not answer a questioner, as if he,
Were ruins - and do ruins respond to questions?

٦. لا يستجيبُ لسائلٍ فكأنّهُ
طَلَلٌ وهل طللٌ يجيبُ سُؤالا

7. How many listeners with eyes from his pains
Say with the mouths of tears and speak.

٧. كَم سامِعٍ بِالعَينِ مِن آلامِهِ
قِيلاً بأفواهِ الدموعِ وقالا

8. I was captivated by eyes in whose glance
Is magic that melts reason.

٨. إِنّي طُرِفْتُ بِأَعينٍ في طَرفِها
سِحْرٌ يَحُلُّ مِنَ العقولِ عِقالا

9. And I examined the reason for which I disobeyed the prohibition
And found it to be baseness obeying coquetry.

٩. وَفَحَصتُ عَن سَببٍ عَصَيتُ بِهِ النّهى
فَوَجدتُهُ ذُلّاً يُطيعُ دلالا

10. And I am the one who made the wit of my youth
For the singing girls despicable.

١٠. وَأَنا الَّذي صَيَّرْتُ عِلْقَ صبابتي
بصبابَتي للغانِيات مُذالا

11. So I was hunted by a human gazelle,
While I am the one who hunts predators.

١١. فتَصيَّدَتنِي ظبيةٌ إنسِيّةٌ
وَأَنا الَّذي أَتَصَيَّدُ الرّئبالا

12. She makes the white oryx run on barren land, and her injustice
Is a saliva whose sweetness you have tasted and become confused.

١٢. تُجري الأراكَ على الأقاح وظَلمُها
ريقٌ أذُقْتَ الشَّهدَ والجِريالا

13. And she shows you at night in the darknesses illumination
Upon you - its darkness refined and polished.

١٣. وتريكَ ليلاً في الذوائب يجتلي
نوراً عليك ظلامُهُ وصقالا

14. And when the combs took turns at his hair,
The Pleiades appeared in the comb repeatedly.

١٤. وإذا تداولتِ الولائدُ مَشْطَهُ
عَرُضَ السُّرى بالمشطِ فيه وطالا

15. And it breathed with scent upon it, so it hovered
A lasting fire it kept aflame.

١٥. وتَنَفَّسَتْ بِالندِّ فيهِ فَخَيَّمتْ
نَارٌ مواصِلَةٌ بِهِ الإِشعالا

16. O you who alone possess a picture
Of beauty - its creation a statue depicted.

١٦. يا هَذِهِ لَقَدِ انفَرَدتِ بِصورَةٍ
لِلحُسنِ صُوِّرَ خَلقُها تِمثالا

17. As for the eyelids, they were created as my warriors,
Then how did they create warriors from you?

١٧. أمّا الجفونُ فقد خَلَقْنَ مقَاتِلاً
مِنّي فَكَيفَ خَلَقْنَ مِنكِ نِبالا

18. Will you look upon me with a full moon of pleasure
That I see you look with anger a crescent?

١٨. هَل تطلعينَ عليَّ بدراً عن رضىً
فأراكِ عن غضَبٍ طلعتِ هلالا

19. I was accustomed to the flashing of your lightning in imagination deceptive,
And the oath of your right hand in loyalty false.

١٩. ألفيتُ بَرْقَكِ في المَخِيلَةَ خُلّباً
ويمينَ عَهدكِ في الوفاءِ شمالا

20. What are these murders in our passions -
Was their killing made lawful to you?

٢٠. ما هذه الفتكات في مهجاتنا
هَل كانَ عِندَكِ قَتلهنَّ حلالا

21. Why is your heart not softened toward us,
Were you created only wild and apathetic?

٢١. لِم لا ترقُّ لَنا بِقَلبِكَ قَسوَة
أَخُلِقْتِ إِلّا غادَة مِكسالا

22. And your oryx fells the roamer of love,
While Ali's oryx fells heroes.

٢٢. وظُباكِ تصرعُ دائباً أهلَ الهَوى
وَظُبا عليٍّ تَصرَع الأبطالا

23. A king for God's victory - may he be safe - waged holy war,
Kindling a blazing rage in the text.

٢٣. مَلكٌ لِنصر اللَّه سَلَّ مجاهداً
عَضْباً تَوَقّدَ بالمتونِ وسالا

24. And when he tightened the reins it was as if
He set the water-skin in order and brandished his sword to start.

٢٤. وإذا شدا في الهام خلتَ صليلَهُ
عمَلاً وَهَزّ غِرارِهِ استِهلالا

25. It was as if he gathered from every coat of mail he donned
Locusts to stir up the valley's torrent.

٢٥. وَكَأنَّهُ مِن كُلِّ دِرعٍ قَدَّها
يُغْري بأحداقِ الجرادِ نَمالا

26. A king, when he composes virtues, his hand
Adorns them with amulets and plunges ahead.

٢٦. مَلكٌ إِذا نَظَمَ المِكارِمَ مَثَّلتْ
يدُهُ بها التتميمَ والإيغالا

27. So leave donations when you mention his donations -
The oceans forget their depths remembering them.

٢٧. فَدَعِ الهبات إِذا ذَكَرْتَ هِباته
تُنْسي البحورُ بِذِكرها الأوشالا

28. Advancing into the horror of events
Like the sword - determined, and the lofty spear, raised.

٢٨. ماضٍ على هَوْلِ الوقائعِ مُقْدِمٌ
كَالسيفِ صَمّمَ وَالغَضَنفرِ صالا

29. He shoots with his three spears their points -
The earth complains to him of quaking.

٢٩. يرمي بثالثَةِ الأثافي قِرْنَهُ
فَالأَرْضُ مِنها تَشتَكي الزلزالا

30. With what thing can you be wary of his power
When if he shot a mountain it would be leveled?

٣٠. فَبِأَيِّ شَيءٍ تَتَّقي من بأسِهِ
ما لو رَمَى جبلاً به لانهالا

31. He prays the noon prayer of death upon those
Whose right hand was extended by the iron leaf's shade.

٣١. يصْلى حرورَ الموْت مَنْ مَدّتْ له
يمناهُ من وَرَقِ الحديدِ ظلالا

32. He led misguidance astray but no pillars remained for it,
And made pillars that do not lean from the pillars of guidance.

٣٢. هَدّ الضّلالَ فلم تقُمْ عُمُدٌ له
وأقامَ من عمد الهدى ما مالا

33. From masters whose manners and disposition
Offer openly both plain and mountain,

٣٣. من سادةٍ أخلاقُهُمْ وحلومُهُمْ
تتعرّضانِ بسائطاً وجبالا

34. Donkeys they bridle - time does not return them -
For the command they were ordered speechless.

٣٤. أقْيَالُ حِمْيَرَ لا يَرُدّ زمانُهُمْ
لَهمُ بما أمرُوا بِه أقْوَالا

35. And when horrors blaze with hot anger
And their fangs become bows and spears,

٣٥. وإذا الكريهةُ بالحتوفِ تسعّرَتْ
وغدتْ نواجذُها قناً ونصالا

36. And the night brings out day with its darkness,
In it the flowers of stars blossomed, sparkling,

٣٦. واستَحضَرَ اللَّيلُ النّهارَ بظلمةٍ
طلعتْ بها زُهْرُ النجوم إلالا

37. They cast off their armor, and their lifespans
Drew near attaining God's punishment and destiny.

٣٧. نَبذوا الدّروعَ وقاربت أعمارهم
نيل اللّهاذم والظُّبا الآجالا

38. Until it was as if by leaving their lives
They found in pigeons union.

٣٨. حَتّى كَأَنَّهُمُ بِهَجرِ حَياتِهمْ
يَجِدونَ مِنها بالحِمامِ وِصالا

39. For they are the lions of lions with sharp teeth
And the gentlest sons of kings with soft sandals

٣٩. فهمُ همُ أُسْدُ الأسود براثناً
وأرقّ أبناءِ الملوكِ نِعالا

40. O you whose merit includes his endowment
And merit is that which includes endowment

٤٠. يا مَنْ تَضَمّنَ فضْلُهُ إفْضالَهُ
والفضلُ ما يَتَضَمّنُ الإفضالا

41. You renewed Islam, entering it splendidly
In finery on which you bestowed beauty.

٤١. عَيّدْتَ بالإسْلامِ مُهْتبِلاً لهُ
في زينةٍ خلعتْ عليه جمالا

42. And you wore over your banner reverently
From your Lord grandeur and veneration.

٤٢. ولبستَ فيه على شِعارِكَ بالتُّقى
من ربّكَ الإعظامَ والإجْلالا

43. You presented your tall sons in it - whoever sees
The lion of battle training the cubs.

٤٣. قدّمْتَ عدّ بنيك فيه لمن يَرى
ليثَ الكفاح يُرَشّحُ الأشبالا

44. In a huge army that filled the air with standards
And the hearing with pounding and the space with neighing,

٤٤. في جحفلٍ ملأ الهواءَ خوافقاً
والسّمْعَ رِكْزاً والفَضاءَ رعالا

45. And it was as if the ends of the banners above it
Kindled fires to extinguish souls.

٤٥. وكأنّ أطراف الذوابلِ فوقَه
تُذْكي لإطفاءِ النّفوس ذُبَالا

46. With bare cavalry, swords at the ready,
Corpses, reins, and long spears,

٤٦. بالخَيْلِ جُرداً والسيوف قواضباً
والبزْلِ قُوداً والرماح طوالا

47. And with the aspect of death which in its folds
Pours out upon your enemies a flood and affliction.

٤٧. وبعارِضِ الموتِ الذي في طيِّهِ
وَبْلٌ يَصُبُّ على عِداكَ وبالا

48. The serpents of the wilderness left their lairs
And their sturdy, brutal lions.

٤٨. تَرَكَتْ ثَعابينُ القفارِ شِعابَها
وأُسودُها الآجام والأغيالا

49. And they came relying upon the corpses of the slain
Deeming your peace with them battle enough.

٤٩. وأتت معوّلةً على جيفِ العدى
وحسبنَ سِلْمَكَ بالعجاج قتالا

50. Flags fluttered, their good fortune shaded,
By the misguidance, their swords, wandering.

٥٠. خَفَقَتْ بنودٌ ظَلَّلت عَذَباتها
بُهَماً سيوفُها الضُّلّالا

51. From every body warmed by its fragrance
A spirit it erects, creating forms.

٥١. من كلّ جسمٍ يَحتْسي من ريحِهِ
روحاً يقُيم بخلقهِ أشكالا

52. And it was as if you had lovingly clothed its steeds
In the finery of majesty, beauty atop beauty.

٥٢. وكأنّ أجياداً حباك جيادَهُ
فكسوتَهُنّ من الجَلالِ جُلالا

53. From every delicate blossom like its mark
Enchanted from the red sky in its strap,

٥٣. من كلّ وَرْدٍ رائقٍ كسميِّهِ
فتخالُ من شَفَقٍ له سربالا

54. Or blond like the dawn, restraining
The panic of the wilderness, making it manageable,

٥٤. أَو أَشقَرٍ كَالصبحِ يَعقِلُ رادعاً
هَيْقَ الفلاةِ وجأبها الذيّالا

55. Or aflame like the leader displayed swimmingly
You would think it, in the deserts, a gazelle

٥٥. أو أشعلٍ كالسّيد عَرّضَ سابحاً
فحسبته بالأيطلَينِ غزالا

56. Or resembling the sword of lips - so whenever
Eyes moistened it with a glance, they wavered

٥٦. أو مُشْبِهٍ لعس الشفاهِ فكُلَّما
رَشَفَتْهُ بالنّظَرِ العيونُ أحالا

57. Or wearing a garment with silver embroidery upon it
Its legs' hems connected by trains

٥٧. أو لابسٍ ثوباً عليه مُرَيَّشاً
وصلتْ قوائمه به أذيالا

58. Or black like the night - as for its color
How much beauty wished for its imagination!

٥٨. أَو أَدهَمٍ كاللَّيلِ أَمّا لونه
فَلَكَم تَمنّى الحسنُ منه خيالا

59. It walked on the plain with pride - from it an emerald
Stirring the air within it into agitation

٥٩. يَطَأُ الصفا بالجزع منه زبرجدٌ
فيثيرهُ في جوّه قَسْطالا

60. And the corpses with domed howdahs as if they were
Ships repelling the winds, north and south

٦٠. والبُزْلُ تجنحُ بالقِبابِ كأنّها
سُفُنٌ مدافعةٌ صَباً وشمالا

61. And as if they carried rubies which gleamed
And chrysolites watered from the downpour of spring,

٦١. وكأنّما حملت رُبى قد نوّرَتْ
وَسُقِينَ من صَوْبِ الربيع سجالا

62. And as if they were led to them brides
To dissolve your glorious pride in pleasure

٦٢. وَكَأَنَّما زُفَّتْ لَهُنَّ عَرائِساً
لِتَحلّ مَغْنَى عِزِّك المحلالا

63. The new moon rose for the crescent and did not bow
Until you saw it rise to the crescent.

٦٣. بَكَرَت تَعالى للهِلالِ وما انثَنَتْ
حَتّى رَأيتَ لَها الهلالَ تَعالى

64. You prayed and then slaughtered in the ways of guidance
Bodies like your slaughter in the clash of battle

٦٤. صَلّيتَ ثمَّ نحرتَ في سُنَنِ الهدى
بُدْناً كنحرِكَ في الوغى الأقتالا

65. And you followed the way of Ahmad and showed us
From his action through your action an example.

٦٥. وَتَبِعتَ سُنَّةَ أَحمدٍ وأريتنا
مِنْ فِعْلِهِ في الفعلِ منك مثالا

66. Then you returned to your palaces, achieving
Glory and destroying with virtues wealth.

٦٦. ثمَّ انصرفتَ إلى قصورك تبتني
مجداً وتهدمُ بالمكارمِ مالا

67. You confirmed names in what you desired
Of resolve and directed deeds.

٦٧. وتؤكّد الأسماءَ في ما تشتهي
من هِمَةٍّ وَتُصَرِّفُ الأفعالا