
She turned away, and the full moon was eclipsed by her

صدت وبدر التم مكسوف به

1. She turned away, and the full moon was eclipsed by her
So I thought that its eclipse was from her turning away

١. صَدّتْ وبدرُ التِّمّ مَكسوفٌ بِهِ
فَحَسِبتُ أَنَّ كُسوفَهُ مَنْ صَدِّها

2. And the moon, its light has gone from the eclipse
In a night whose latter part was woeful

٢. والبدرُ قد ذهبَ الخسوفُ بنورِهِ
في ليلةٍ حَسَرَتْ أواخِرَ مَدِّها

3. It was as though it was a reddish mirror
Over which the redness of fire spread in its blackness

٣. فَكَأنَّهُ مرآةُ قَيْنٍ أُحْمِيَتْ
فَمَشى احمِرارُ النّارِ في مُسْوَدّها