1. How people wonder at hunting without a snare,
While my heart is caught by a glance of her eyes.
١. كم تعجبُ الناسُ من صَيْدٍ ولا شَرَكٍ
يَصيدُ رئمٌ به قَلبي سِوى نَظَري
2. And how they say "He's possessed!" But they knew not
That the madness in me is from love of a maid.
٢. وَكَم يَقولونَ مَجنونٌ وما عَلِموا
أَنَّ الجُنونَ الَّذي بي من هَوى بِشرِ
3. May God not torment one for my sake with torment
That drives away sleep from my eyes with wakefulness.
٣. لا عذّبَ اللَّهُ من أَجلي مُعَذِّبَةً
تُشَرّدُ النومَ عَن عَينَيَّ بِالسَّهَرِ
4. I pass the night with the chill of youth in her mouth,
As dew spent the night in the bosom of flowers.
٤. يبيتُ في ثَغْرها بردُ الشبابِ كَما
باتَ النَّدى مِن أَقاحي الروضِ في زَهَرِ
5. Would that I and my longings could reach their goal,
I'd assuage the burning anguish in my breast.
٥. يا لَيتَني والأَماني رُبَّما بُلِغَتْ
نَقَعتُ حَرَّ غَليلي مِنهُ في الخَصَرِ