
He whom fate defends

من كان عنه يدافع القدر

1. He whom fate defends
No jinn or human can offend

١. مَن كانَ عنهُ يدافِعُ القَدَرُ
لم يُرْدِهِ جنٌّ ولا بَشَرُ

2. Misfortune itself turns away in despair
While fortune smiles on his endeavors

٢. وثَنى الرَّدى عنهُ الرَّدى جَزَعاً
وسَعَتْ على غيراتهِ غِيَرُ

3. His enemies attack with every cunning
But the wise leave no trace or vestige

٣. وَرَمَى عِداهُ بكلِّ داهيَةٍ
دهياءَ لا تُبقي ولا تذَرُ

4. No fault in what was done with glory
Fate flows with all that is ordained

٤. لا عيبَ فيما كانَ من جَلَلٍ
يَجري بِكُلِّ مُقَدَّرٍ قَدَرُ

5. Kings, though grand,
Are tempted by foes, however small

٥. إنَّ الملوكَ وإنْ هُمُ عَظُموا
تُغْرَى العُداةُ بِهِم وَإِن حَقَروا

6. Treachery has filled the times
Impelling souls to evil from the first

٦. والغَدْرُ قد مُلِئَ الزَّمانُ به
قِدماً وكم نَطَقَتْ بهِ السيَرُ

7. Those who plot, when they spy a chance
Ride the steeds of resolve and take it

٧. وأولو المكايدِ إنْ رأوا فُرصاً
ركبوا لها العزَماتِ وابتدروا

8. An unbeliever took aim at Al-Mustafa
To harm him or touch him with hurt

٨. والمُصطَفَى سَمّتْهُ كافِرَةٌ
لِتُضيرَهُ أو مسّهُ الضّررَ

9. Mu'awiyah triumphed by cunning
At daybreak, to avenge his resentment

٩. وعَلا مُعاويةً بِذي شُطَبٍ
عند الصّباحِ لِشَجّهِ غُدَرُ

10. With a gang serving the moment
Led by souls' injustice and urged by evil

١٠. وعصابَةٍ لِلْحَينِ قادَ بها
ظُلْمُ النّفوسِ وساقَها الأشَرُ

11. Until they thought they had succeeded
And their striving bore fruit, they failed

١١. حَتَّى إِذا ظَنُّوا بأنَّهُمُ
رَبِحوا وأنْجَحَ سَعْيُهُمْ خَسِروا

12. They tasted ruin - how ruinous their draught!
But still they tasted, no lesson taught

١٢. وَرَدوا الحتُوفَ وبئسَ ما وَرَدوا
لَكِنَّهمْ ورَدوا وما صَدروا

Like moths that dove into flame

١٣. مثلَ الفراشِ تَقَحّمَتْ سُعُراً
فانظرْ إلى ما تَصنَعُ السُّعرُ

14. Behold what the flames do!
Abandoned, no aid against a king

١٤. خُذلِوا وما نُصروا على مَلِكٍ
ما زالَ بالرّحمنِ يَنتَصِرُ

15. Who still seeks victory from The Merciful
Their schemes thrown back in their throats

١٥. ردّوا المكايدَ في نُحورِهِمُ
عن عادِلٍ بسيوفِهِ نُحروا

16. By the swords of one just, their necks struck
Their corruption was their own doing

١٦. كانَ ابتداءُ فسادِهِمْ لهُمُ
وَعَلَيهِمُ بِصَلاحِهِ الخبَرُ

17. While the good their victory reports
They lifted their eyes to the moon

١٧. رفعوا عيُونَهُمُ إلى قَمَرٍ
فَرَماهُمُ برُجُومِهِ القَمَرُ

18. So the moon bombarded them with rocks
Iron poured on them in torrents

١٨. صَبَّ الحديدَ عليهِمُ ذَرِباً
فكأنّهُمْ من حولهِ جَزَرُ

19. As if boulders surrounded them
How strange that they lived by his grace

١٩. عَجباً لهم بُطِنُوا بعَيشهِمُ
وَبِقَتلِهمْ إذْ صُلِّبوا ظَهروا

20. Yet by killing him they showed their faces
Their trunks withered, ripe fruit no more

٢٠. يَبِسَتْ جُذوعُهُمُ وهُم ثَمَرٌ
للضُّبْعِ أينعَ ذلك الثّمَرُ

21. For the wolf, how ripe that fruit before!
Every despised outcast now rises

٢١. مِن كُلِّ رابٍ سَلهَبٍ رَسخَتْ
منهُ القوائمُ ما له حُضُرُ

22. On pillars whose bases elude
As if the sky, from it, were flaming

٢٢. وَكَأَنَّما الحرباءُ مِنهُ علا
عوداً ونارُ الشمسِ تَستَعِرُ

23. A flame the sun's heat feeds

٢٣. أوَ ما رَأَوْا يحيَى سعادَتُهُ
وقفٌ عليها النّصْرُ والظّفَرُ

24. Did they not see Yahya's glory
Where victory and triumph pause?

٢٤. إِنَّ الزّمانَ خَديمُ دَولَتِهِ
يُفني أعاديها وإنْ كَثُروا

25. Time serves his state, destroying foes
A king whose responsibility is Islam's trust

٢٥. مَلِكٌ على الإسلامِ ذِمّتُهُ
سِتْرٌ مَديدٌ ظِلّهُ خَصِرُ

26. A veil, a shade, his compact spares
One noble whose munificence guards from shame

٢٦. سَمْحٌ تَبَرّجَ جودُ راحتهِ
لعفُاته ولعِرضه خفَرُ

27. Awe-inspiring as the unveiled sun
From which gazes retreat when shown

٢٧. ذو هيبَةٍ كالشّمْسِ مُنْقَبِضٌ
عنها إِذا انبَسَطَتْ له النّظرُ

28. In it justice and piety combined
As if hearing and sight entwined

٢٨. والعَدلُ فيها والتّقى جُمِعَا
فَكأَنَّ ذا سَمعٌ وذا بَصَرُ

29. He lowers his wing, his lowering an honor
His worth above the highest star

٢٩. خَفَضَ الجناحَ وخَفْضُهُ شَرَفُ
وعلى السِّماكِ علا له قَدرُ

30. Resolute, he seems to consider
Distracted, fearing sleep's loss

٣٠. مُتَيَقّظُ العَزَمات تحسبُها
ينتابُها من خَوْفِهِ السّهَرُ

31. Like a sword shook in a warrior's hand
Ready to strike, mind set with power

٣١. كَالسَّيفِ هُزَّ غِرارُهُ بِيَدٍ
لِلضَّربِ وهوَ مُصَمِّمٌ ذكَرُ

As if the scent of his praise were a meadow

٣٢. وكأنّ طيبَ ثنائِهِ أرجٌ
عن روَضِهِ يَتَنَفّسُ السّحَرُ

33. Exhaling sweetness at dawn
His resolve grows against enemies

٣٣. تَنْمي على الأعداءِ عَزْمَتُهُ
والزّندُ أوَّلُ نارِهِ شرَرُ

34. The spark that ignites its first fires
As if the pillar of his equanimity

٣٤. وكأنّ ركنَ أناتِهِ سَبَلٌ
بموارِدِ المَعروفِ يَنفَجِرُ

35. Were a spring, gushing kindness entire

٣٥. يا فاتِكاً بِعُداتِهِ أبداً
إنّ الذِّئابَ تُبيدُها الهُصُرُ

36. O you who visit doom on enemies forever
Wolves are destroyed by nobles

٣٦. شُكراً فَإِنَّ السَّعْدَ مُتَّصِلٌ
وُصِلَتْ بهِ أيّامُكَ الغُرَرُ

37. Thanks - good fortune is lasting for you
Your brightest days have been joined

٣٧. واسْلَمْ فَإِنَّكَ في الندى مَطَرٌ
يَمحُو المحولَ ولِلهدى وَزَرُ