1. Yes, the mornings of youth fleet away,
And the steeds of passion race heedless on.
١. بلى جَرّ أذيالَ الصّبَا فتصابَى
وأوجَفَ خيلاً في الهوَى وركابا
2. My days I have shortened by being all-embracing,
And in the garden I have grown old ere my prime.
٢. قَصَرْتُ زماني بالشمولِ مُسِنّةً
وبالرّوضِ كهلاً والفتاة كَعابا
3. Shortest of all are the days of the youth,
That day of delight wherein he finds life sweet.
٣. وأقصرُ أيام الفتى يومُ لَذّةٍ
صبا ما صبا بالعيش فيه فطابا
4. Nights that cannot be pierced even when you hit
The mark, for youth is the butt for Time's arrows.
٤. لياليَ لا ترمي الرميَّ وإن تُصِبْ
بسهمك خوداً فالشبابُ أصابا
5. A band whose business was idle sport
Have abandoned care, and know but joy.
٥. وعصبةِ لهوٍ غادروا الهمّ جانباً
فلم يألفوا إلّا السرورَ جَنَابا
6. They toss the wine-skin, as though its leather
Were clothed in the steel of coats of mail.
٦. يديرونها راحاً كأنّ بكأسِها
إذا لبستْ درعَ الحَباب حُبابا
7. It recoils from the shock of the hand, as the colt
Scatters the pearls from his grinding teeth.
٧. تنَافِرُ لمسَ الماءِ وهو يَرُوضُها
كما تَفْرَكُ البكرُ الفَرُوقُ لُعابا
8. So love that life I described, and the days
Of that age, and the comrades of that time.
٨. فاحْبِبْ بذاك العَيشِ عيشاً ذكرتُهُ
وبالعصرِ عصراً والصحابِ صحابا
9. And a night the water-lilies cover with gloom,
As the faces of drowned men veil the eddies.
٩. وليلٍ تخوضُ النيّرات ظلامهُ
كأوْجُهِ غَرْقَى يَفْترِقْنَ عُبابا
10. I stole by the loved one's abode, responding
Whene'er she called to me with no rein on my will,
١٠. سريتُ بمحبوك مِنَ القُبِّ كلَّما
دعا شأوَه وهيُ العِنَانِ أجابا
11. As though I were one of the Jinn, repeating "In Allah's name"
Over a fold wherein my flock had strayed and was lost.
١١. من الجِنِّ فاسْمُ اللّه إما وَضَعْتَهُ
مكانَ قطيعٍ طار عنك وغابا
12. You would think the dawn's smile shone from his cheek,
And that his side was clad in the night's murk.
١٢. ترَى ضَحِكَ الإصباحِ فوق جبينهِ
وَقُمّصَ من ليلِ المُحَاقِ إهابا
13. The ostrich struts on his head, which seems to you
Housed in a turban, if the galloping fails to bow it down.
١٣. تخالُ الثريّا رأسَهُ وهو مُلْجَمٌ
إذا الجريُ لم يُلبِسْ طُلاه سِخابا
14. His ear as though the pen were delineating it,
You would think you saw a document traced thereon.
١٤. يحرّفُ بالتأليل أذناً كأنّما
ترى قلماً منها يخطّ كتابا
15. Pure pearl in his bracelets instead of agate;
His heels leave prints upon the rock as he walks.
١٥. سما الدّرُّ في أرساغِهِ عن زَبَرْجَدٍ
يغادرُ بالوطءِ الصخورَ ترابا
16. He is Beauty: mount him, you will win everything that seemed
Unattainable to you and eluded your prayers.
١٦. هو الطِّرفُ فاركبْ منه في ظهرِ طائرٍ
تَنَلْ كلّ ما أعيا عليكَ طلابا
17. Till you come to a moon to which you will go up
As though heaven's vault has lowered its ceiling.
١٧. إلى قمرٍ تسري إليه كأنّما
عليه سماءُ اللّه تُغلِقُ بابا
18. As though I were a secret within the night's skirt,
Entering upon the core of my heart veiled in its cover.
١٨. كأنِّيَ سرٌّ في حشا الليلِ داخلٌ
على حَبّةِ القلبِ المصونِ حجابا
19. So I slept, laved with the cold spray of care,
At the thought of which the jealous heart melted.
١٩. فبتُّ مُرَوّىً من مجاجة باردٍ
غذا ذكرُهُ قَلْبَ الغيورِ فَذابا
20. As though the kisses snatched from the edge of his cheek
Were bought by the rain-clouds with thunder and lightnings.
٢٠. كأنّ قطافَ اللثم من ثَغْرِ رَوْضِهِ
تَكَسّبَ من طَلّ الغمامِ رضابا
21. Never have I seen in the world a comrade of anyone luckier than I
Nor one smitten like me in his prime.
٢١. ولم أرَ كالدّنْيا خؤوناً لصاحبٍ
ولا كُمصابي بالشبابِ مُصَابا
22. I have lost my youth so my turban's darkness turned white,
As though youth for old age were a dye.
٢٢. فَقَدْتُ الصّبا فابيضّ مُسْوَدّ لمّتي
كأنّ الصّبا للشيب كان خضابا