1. O Lord, I witnessed a gathering of pleasure
Reluctantly, as night spread its wings
١. يا ربّ مجلس لذّةٍ شاهَدتُها
كَرْهاً وجُنْحُ الليلِ مدّ جناحَا
2. The youth gathered with their sons
An old man with white hair among them
٢. جَمَعَ الشبابُ به بنيهِ وبينهم
شيخٌ غَدا شيبٌ عليه وراحا
3. As if every strand of white hair
In his head was a lit lamp
٣. وكأنّه في كلّ داجي شعرةٍ
في الرأسِ منهُ مُوقِدٌ مِصباحا
4. I was deprived of the cup
Which the remorseful sip from
٤. أمسَيتُ مَفطوماً عَنِ الكَأسِ الَّتي
يتراضعُ الندمَاءُ منها راحا
5. Except its aroma that was worrying intoxication
And its song sounding like weeping in my ears
٥. إلّا شميماً كان هَمّاً سُكْرُهُ
وغناؤهُ في مسمعي نياحا
6. We reminisced about the prime of youth
That dismissed worries and owned joys
٦. جُرْنا على زمنِ الصبا الزَاهي الَّذي
عزَلَ الهمومَ ومَلّكَ الأفراحا
7. Sons of an era who excel among them
Inholding fast the wine glass, so it overflowed
٧. أبناءُ عصرٍ فَتّقُوا من بَينهم
مِسْكَ الشّبيبَةِ بالمُدامِ ففاحا
8. They made their sharpness listening,
And instead of daggers between them, goblets
٨. جَعَلوا حُداءَهُمُ السَماعَ وأَوجَفوا
بدلَ القَلائِصِ بينَهم أَقداحا
9. As if their mouths pulsated for them
With drinking from their bodies, spirits
٩. وَكَأنّما نَبَضَتْ لهم أَفواهُهُم
بِالشُربِ مِن أَجسامِها أَرواحا
10. Until when they woke up at dawn, I slipped away
And morning found no morning for old age among them
١٠. حَتّى إذا اصطَبَحوا فررتُ فلم يجِد
للشيبِ بَينَهمُ الصباحُ صَباحا
11. Why should I struggle against a generation
That roamed the field of bliss and battled
١١. ما لي أُكافحُ قِرْنَ كأسٍ جالَ في
مَيدانِ نشوَته وجال كِفاحا
12. Decked out, complaining of arms
For whom old age left no arms
١٢. ومجدَّلٌ شاكي السّلاحِ من الصِّبا
من لم يُبَقّ له المشيبُ سِلاحا