1. Praise be to a group who descended
Between gardens, seated on green rugs
١. للَّه دَرُّ عصابَةٍ نَزَلوا
بَينَ الرّياضِ مَجالساً خُضْرا
2. They drank from aged cups
Their minds intoxicated by its wine
٢. شَرِبوا بِكَاساتٍ مُعَتَّقَةً
شَرِبَت عُقولُهُمُ بِها سَكرا
3. As if the moons were kissing
Stars from the cupbearers' hands
٣. وكأنّما الأقمارُ تلثمُ من
أيدي السقاةِ كواكباً زُهْرا
4. As if the images on the jugs
Were filled to their brims with wine
٤. وكأنّما صُوَرُ القِنانِ وقد
مُلِئت إلى لَهواتِها خَمرا
5. The beautiful women stood at a wedding
When they wore red veils
٥. بيضُ الحسان وَقَفْنَ في عُرُسٍ
لمَّا لَبِسْنَ غَلائِلاً حُمرا