1. Her sweet breath seems an attainment of union,
And he who attains her is in blissful paradise.
١. وطيّبةِ الأنفاسِ تحسبُ وصلها
وَمَنْ واصلته جَنّةَ المتَنَعِّمِ
2. The rose blooms on her cheek in the branch of her stature,
And joy lights up her smile.
٢. تفَتّحَ وردُ الخدّ في غُصنِ قدّها
وَنَوّرَ فيه أقحوان التبسمِ
3. It is as if listening to her words is an ailment
With the delight of repose and the chanting of melody.
٣. كَأَنَّ استِماعَ اللَّفظ منها تَعَلُّلٌ
بلذّة راحٍ واقتراحِ ترنُّمِ
4. She tells me secrets in the bend of my arm,
So my mouth hears the whisper of secrets from her mouth.
٤. تُحدّثُني بالسرِّ في ثِنْيِ ساعدي
فيسمعُ نجوى السرّ من فمها فمي
5. When the Pleiades packed away the night,
She holds in the hand of dawn a bouquet of stars.
٥. إذا ما الثريّا رَحَّلَ الليلُ شمله
لها في يَدِ الإصباحِ باقةُ أنجمِ
6. You will find her curves torment, as though
She is scented with musk in sealed perfume.
٦. وجدتَ ثناياها العِذابَ كأنّما
تُعَلّ بمسكٍ في رحيقٍ مُختَّمِ