1. With elegance in every circumstance is her charm
Great is her love though still young in years
١. ومُستَحسَنٍ في كلّ حالٍ دلالها
كبيرٌ هواها وهيَ في صِغَرِ السنِّ
2. She watches with a playful glance that seduces in passion
And recites sorcery from it despite the sickness of eyelids
٢. تُراعي بعينٍ تغمزُ الناسَ في الهوى
وتقرأُ منها السحرَ في مَرض الجفْنِ
3. As if from her eyes you're watching when she smiles
To a coldness that her radiance of youth makes glow
٣. كأنّكَ منها ناظر إنْ تَبَسّمَتْ
إلى بَرَدٍ تجلوهُ بارقَةُ الدّجْنِ
4. You see her stature in the thrill of slender grace
As if she had shed it onto the tender branch
٤. ترى قَدّها في نشوةٍ من رَشَاقَةٍ
فهل خَلَعَتْ منه على الغُصُن اللدنِ
5. My soul speaks to me of loving her
And my eyes lead to her garden of beauty
٥. بنفسيَ من جسْمي حديثٌ بحبّها
وَطَرْفيَ منها رائدٌ روضة الحسنِ