1. The nights and days, old age will overtake them
And after it perdition will ensue
١. إنَّ الليالِيَ والأيّامَ يُدْرِكُها
شَيبٌ وَيعقبها مِن بَعْدِهِ هُلُكُ
2. So the graying of your night is from its dawn
And the graying of your day is from its dusk
٢. فَشَيبُ لَيلِكَ مِن إِصباحِهِ يَقَقٌ
وَشَيبُ يَومِكَ مِن إِمسائِهِ حلَكُ
3. Between people, life and death are busily engaged
Until the revolving of the cosmos is stilled
٣. وَالعَيشُ وَالمَوتُ بَينَ الخلقِ في شُغُلٍ
حَتّى يُسكَّنَ مِن تَحريكِهِ الفلكُ
4. And God resurrects from the belly of the dust, nations
Whose bones had wasted away and been battered
٤. ويَبعثَ اللَّه مِن جَوْفِ الثَّرى أُممَاً
كانتْ عظامُهُمُ تبلى وتَنتَهكُ
5. In a stand where no creature has any power
And no angel will show contempt in it
٥. في موقِفٍ ما لِخَلقٍ عنه من حِوَلٍ
ولا يُحَقِّرُ فيهِ سَوقَةً ملكُ