
The phantom departed so I visited it in thought

هجر الخيال فزرته بالخاطر

1. The phantom departed so I visited it in thought
Though the time of your abandonment may be fleeting

١. هَجَرَ الخيالُ فزرتُهُ بالخاطرِ
ولقد يكونُ زمانَ هجركِ زائري

2. You barred its path, so it could not bear the journey
Did it sleep at your side, oblivious to the wakeful?

٢. أسَدَدْتِ مسراه فلم يُطِقِ السُّرَى
أمْ باتَ عِندَكِ نائِماً عن ساهِرِ

3. I hoped to greet it when I came to visit
But grasped only the shadow of the shrinking ghost

٣. طُمعَتْ مصافحتي له إذ زُرتُهُ
فَقَبضتُ مِن ظلِّ الخيالِ النافِرِ

4. I made do with an imaginary visit
Finding its essence differed from its facade

٤. إِنّي اقتَنَعْت بِزَورَةٍ زُوْرِيَّةٍ
أَلفَيتُ باطِنَها خِلافَ الظاهِرِ

5. And if you wish to depict yearning
Entrust the task to the mind of a poet

٥. وَإِذا أَرَدتَ بِأَنْ تُصَوِّرَ للمُنى
صُوَراً فَسَلِّمْها لِفِكرَةِ شاعِرِ

6. O you whose glance works magic with ruin
Did you hear of the charmer in the ruins?

٦. يا مَنْ لها بالسِّحرِ طرْفٌ قاتلٌ
أسَمِعْتِ بالفُتْيَا الَّتي في الساحِرِ

7. I looked but found you have no means of conquest
Save with the edge of a languid, fading glance

٧. إِنِّي نَظَرتُ فَلَم أجِدْ لك فتكَةً
إلّا بِحَدِّ حسامِ لَحظٍ فاتِرِ

8. Affirm your love in a fluttering heart
Else I wonder not at one caught in a snare

٨. أثْبَتِّ حُبّكِ في فؤادٍ خافقٍ
أوَ ما عجبت لواقعٍ في طائِرِ