1. I sent my gaze to find her gaze
Promising it would cure my love-sick heart
١. أرسلتُ طَرْفي يقتضي طرفَها
وَعْداً به أُبرئُ أسقامي
2. But it returned wounded by her indifference
Like an arrow shot back upon its archer
٢. فعاد عنه للحشا جارحاً
كرَجْعَةِ السهمِ إلى الرّامي
3. So I blamed my eyes, not her eyes
With the wound from her indifference still raw
٣. فقاتلي طرفيَ لا طَرْفُهَا
والجَفْنُ من جرحِ الحشا دامِ