1. Her hands comfort him
When his high ambitions have estranged him
١. أضْحَتْ أيادي يَدَيْهِ وهي تُؤنِسُهُ
إذ أوْحَشَتْهُ مَعالِيهِ منَ النُّظَرا
2. Supported with sound opinion that pleases him
A sword is praised only when its blade is sharp
٢. مُؤيَّدٌ بمضاءِ الرأيِ يَحْمَدُهُ
لا يُحمَدُ السيفُ إلا ماضياً ذكرا
3. He carries out affairs with guided opinions
As if they were arrows aiming at the throats
٣. يُمْضي الأمورَ بآراءٍ مُسَدَّدَةٍ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ سِهامٌ تقصد الثُّغَرا
4. Thousands of spiritual guides renew
For people each year a wrapped treasure
٤. مِنَ العوارِفِ آلافٌ مُجَدِّدَةٌ
للنَّاسِ في كلِّ عامٍ معْلَماً دَثَرا
5. If love were to be poetized in his praises
The hearts' love we would have poetized abundantly for him
٥. لو كانَ يُنْظَمُ حُبّاً في مَدائِحِه
حَبُّ القلوبِ نَظمناها له فِقَرا
6. His ambition returned the age of ignorance
And changed in it some of its unfamiliar customs
٦. رَدّتْ زمانَ الجهل هِمّتُهُ
وَغَيّرَتْ فيه من عاداتها الغِيَرا
7. O you whose hands in bestowals have no restraints
Release by praise therein the tongues of poetry
٧. يا مَن أَياديهِ في الأَنعامِ لَا عُقِلَتْ
أطْلَقْنَ بالمدح فيه ألْسُنَ الشُّعَرا
8. Stay in the glory of a high rank combined
And good fortune swore regarding what fate ponders
٨. دُمْ في جلالةِ قدرٍ بالعُلى قُرِنَتْ
وَحَالَفَ السّعْدُ فيما تأمُلُ القَدَرا