1. The tears speak though the tongue is mute
So look to the gestures, see how they die
١. الدّمعُ يَنطقُ واللّسانُ صَموتُ
فانظرْ إلى الحركاتِ كيف تموتُ
2. My sorrow still appears every day
So I've hidden from the eyes of the doves
٢. ما زالَ يظهرُ كلّ يومٍ بي ضَنَىً
فلذاك عن عَيْنِ الحِمامِ خَفِيتُ
3. A youth seeking in the freshness of his soul
A body sculpted by the chisel of illness
٣. صبٌّ يطالِبُ في صبابَةِ نَفسِهِ
جسداً بمديةِ سقمه منحوتُ
4. I warn you, if you see the passion of youth
Your gaze is the flint to its fire
٤. وأنا نذيرك إنْ تُلاحظ صبوةً
فاللّحظُ منكَ لنارِها كِبريتُ
5. I used to give advice like Adam
But I remembered the love of girls and forgot
٥. قد كنتُ في عهدِ النصيح كآدمٍ
لكن ذكرتُ هوى الدّمَى فنسيتُ
6. How can I escape from the dues of eyes
That cast the spells of their magic like Harut
٦. كيف التخلّصُ من فواترِ أعينٍ
يُلْقي حبائلَ سحرها هاروتُ
7. And my torturer is one who enjoys torturing me
He hasn't experienced my afflictions to know how I spent the night
٧. ومُعذِّبي مَنْ يَستلذُّ تَعذّبي
لا باتَ من بلوَايَ كيفَ أبِيتُ
8. A cheek I yearn for as if it were
A homeland where I was born and raised
٨. رشأٌ أحنّ إلى هواه كأنّه
وطنٌ وُلدتُ بأرضه ونشيتُ
9. In the night of his absence I lost the path to love
And in the light of his cheating I was guided to him
٩. في ليلِ لمته ضللتُ عن الهوى
وبنورِ غُرّتِهِ إليه هديتُ
10. A changer whose cheek wounded youth
My eyes saw him and poured over the rubies
١٠. ومنعَّمٌ جَرَحَ الشّبابُ بخَدّهِ
لحظي فسالَ على المها الياقوتُ
11. And I'm the one who tasted the sweetness of his beauty
My eyes feasted on his glances though it pained me
١١. وأنا الذي ذاقت حلاوةَ حُسْنِهِ
عيني فساغَ لطرفها وشجيتُ
12. The flirts said "You were happy with our company"
And I replied "but your abandonment made me miserable"
١٢. قال الكواعبُ قد سعدتَ بوصلنا
فَأَجبتها وبِهَجركنّ شقيتُ
13. I was a lover out of respect for my youth
Until when old age crept in I was disgraced
١٣. كنْتُ المُحبّ كرامَةً لشَبيبَتي
حتى إذا وَخَطَ المَشِيبُ قُلِيتُ
14. Who can I seek help from for the excess of sorrow?
When it's my own crimes that accustomed me
١٤. مَن أَستَعينُ بِهِ على فرط الأسَى
فأنا الذي بجنايَتي عوديتُ
15. I was a man who never faced misery
Until my youth was taken from me and I was wretched
١٥. كنتُ امرَأً لم أَلقَ فيه رزيّةً
حتى سُلِبْتُ شبيبَتي فرُزِيتُ
16. The mirror shows me the ugliness of my crimes
Yet God knows how I was content with it
١٦. تهدي ليَ المرآةُ سُخْطَ جنايَتي
فَاللَّه يعلمُ كيف عنه رضيتُ
17. My worry is like the falling of an ember
A lifetime that if spent on me will destroy me
١٧. همّي كسِقطِ القَبسِ لكنْ طُعمُهُ
عُمْرٌ إذا أفْناهُ فيَّ فنيتُ
18. And when old age shows its camphor-like whiteness
It is ungrateful, as if it were an idol
١٨. وإذا المشيبُ بَدا به كافُورُهُ
كَفَرَتْ به فكأنّه الطّاغوتُ
19. And perhaps a raider, time carries him
On a steed pure of breed, if only I were carried
١٩. ولربّ مُنْتَهِبِ المدى يجري به
عرقٌ عريقٌ في الجيادِ وَلِيتُ
20. A night gifted by dawn a piece of silver
And four lively horses fed with fodder
٢٠. لَيلٌ حَبَاهُ الصبحُ درهمَ غُرّةٍ
وحجولَ أربعَةٍ بهنّ القوتُ
21. An excellent runner who follows his name
With attributes, after them more attributes
٢١. متفنّنٌ في الجري يتّبعُ اسمَهُ
منه نعوتٌ بعدهنّ نعوتُ
22. I released him and I thought of every prey
That seeks with your glance to catch it, so miss it
٢٢. أطلَقتُهُ فعقلتُ كلّ طريدة
تبغي بلحظِكَ صيدَها فتفوتُ
23. His hooves gathered the hilltops scattered
As if to gather them he dispersed them
٢٣. لقطتْ قوائمه الأوابدَ شُرّداً
قد كانَ منهُ لِجَمعها تَشتيتُ
24. It was as if the rocks were frozen in place
Beneath me, so I hunted whatever I wished
٢٤. فكأنّمَا جَمَدَ الصُّوارُ لِدَوْمِهِ
تَحتي فَلي من صَيدها ما شيتُ