
Through the dark night we drifted,

وليل رسبنا في عباب ظلامه

1. Through the dark night we drifted,
Until dawn's star rose on the horizon.

١. وليلٍ رَسَبْنا في عُبابِ ظَلامِهِ
إِلى أَن طفا للصُّبح في أُفْقهِ نجمُ

2. As if the Pleiades were there, seven gems,
With a necklace strung between, composing a poem.

٢. كأنّ الثريّا فيه سَبْعُ جواهرٍ
فواصلُها جَزْعٌ به فُصّلَ النظمُ

3. You'd think them a troop of shooting stars
In white turbans, on gray steeds.

٣. وتحسبها من عسكر الشهب سُرْبةً
عمائمهمْ بيضٌ وخيلهمُ دُهمُ

4. As if a bier were brought to a man in grief
By his sons, who thought his death was certain.

٤. كأنّ السُّها مضنىً أتاه بنعشهِ
بَنوه وظنُّوا أن موْتَتَهُ حَتْمُ

5. As if the dawn's cleft were fire, behind
A thick veil, with a soul rising through it.

٥. كأنّ انصداعَ الفجر نارٌ يُرَى لها
وراء حجابٍ حالكٍ نَفَسٌ يسمو

6. You'd think it a Roman child, born
To a black maid, standing erect.

٦. وتحسبهُ طفلاً من الرّومِ طَرّقَتْ
به من بناتِ الزنج قائمةً أُمّ

7. Did she sense, when bearing him,
That he was born for a single day, so old age whitened him?

٧. أأُعْلِمَ في أحشائِها أنّ عُمْرَهُ
لدى وضعْهِ يومٌ فشيّبه الوهمُ

8. The day's sun melted for us
A spirit in the sky, with a body on earth.

٨. وذَرّتْ لنا شمسُ النّهارِ مذيبّةً
على الأرض روحاً في السماءِ له جسم