
How many a stranger his fellow did yearn

كم غريب حنت إليه غريبه

1. How many a stranger his fellow did yearn
And how many a weary one solace did spurn

١. كم غريبٍ حنّتْ إليه غريبَهْ
وكئيبٍ شجاه شَجْوُ كئيبَهْ

2. On us did the torment of parting descend
May the joy of reunion soon happiness lend

٢. سُلّطَتْ كرْبةُ التنائي علينا
فعسى فرحةُ التداني قريبهْ

3. When together we meet and turn grief into glee
Each soul to each soul will a comforter be

٣. فمتى نلتقي فتصبحَ منّا
كلّ نفسٍ لكلّ نفسٍ طَبيبه