1. No garden is as beautiful as one whose plants
Smile at the clouds, teeth glistening in the sun,
١. وما روضةٌ حيّ ثرى أقحوانِها
يضاحكُها في الغيم سِنّ من الضِّحّ
2. As though its spring were made for nymphs who tied
The breeze into a knot whose scent is sweet.
٢. كأنّ صَبَاها للعرانين فَتّقَتْ
نداها بندٍّ فهي طيِّبةُ النفح
3. More fragrant than the wind for one awake
At dawn, who sees the sun begin to rise.
٣. بأطيبَ من ريّا لماها لراشفٍ
إذا انتبهتْ في الشرْقِ ناظرةُ الصبح