
Your radiant face illuminates all with light upon light

للأقاحي بفيك نور ونور

1. Your radiant face illuminates all with light upon light
No frowning face compares to such splendor and glory

١. للأقاحي بفيكِ نَوْرٌ ونورُ
ما كذا تَسْنَحُ المهاةُ النّفُورُ

2. Who is she to find fault in the graceful gait of your steps?
So delicate are they, and your pace short and brisk

٢. من لها أنْ تعيرها منكِ مشياً
قَدَمٌ رَخْصَةٌ وخطوٌ قصيرُ

3. You chide one whose chastity is beyond reproach
Yet the forbearing remains dignified despite your words

٣. أَنتِ تَسبينَ ذا العَفافِ بِدَلٍّ
يَستَخِفُّ الحليمَ وهو وقورُ

4. Nor does she respond with unseemly, harsh speech
That would bring dishonor, though raging as she may be inside

٤. وهيَ لا تَستَبي بِلَفظٍ رَخيمٍ
يُنزِلُ العُصْمَ وهيَ في الطود فُورُ

5. Your words cut sharply like the wailing east wind
At dawn, disturbing those still asleep

٥. وَحَديثٍ كَأَنَّهُ قِطَعُ الرّو
ضِ إذا اخضَلَّ مِن نَداهُ البكورُ

6. Yet the narcissus and withering rose bid me leave
The garden of your beauty and all its thorns and buds

٦. فَثَناني مِن رَوضِ حُسنِك عَنها
نَرجِسٌ ذابِلٌ وَوردٌ نَضيرُ

7. The lavender wafting its scent on the breeze
And the gentle wind carrying its fragrance

٧. وشقيقٌ يُشَقّ عن أُقحُوانٍ
لِنقابِ النّقا عَلَيهِ خَفيرُ

8. While your dimples laugh at the sun above
A sparkling planet illuminated in your cheeks

٨. وأريجٌ على النَّوى مِنكَ يَسري
وَيُجيب النسيمَ منه عَبيرُ

9. The musk on her cheek remains at night
Aged to honey by the wind, its aroma dispersed

٩. وثنايا يضاحكُ الشمسَ منها
في مُحَيّاكِ كوكبٌ يستنيرُ

10. Your love awakens the living from the dead
And revives the sick, giving them new life

١٠. ريقها في بقيّةِ الليل مسكٌ
شِيبَ بالرّاحِ منه شهدٌ مَشورُ

11. God clothed a vision of you in perfect beauty
And all lovely eyes gaze upon you entranced

١١. لِسُكونِ الغرامِ مِنهُ حَرَاكٌ
وَلِمَيْتِ السّقامِ فيهِ نُشورُ

12. You've an eye that enchants minds should sorcery spring from it
Bewitching intellects, ever delving deeper

١٢. أَلبَسَ اللَّهُ صورةً منكِ حسناً
وَعُيونُ الحسانِ نَحوَكِ صورُ

13. Lids that signal love, speaking from one heart to another
Your meaningful glance fell upon my heart

١٣. لَكِ عَينٌ إِن يَنبعِ السحرُ منها
فهو بالخَبْلِ في العقول يغورُ

14. Why doesn't it leave this mortal frame and take flight?
The painter imprints a touch atop your beauty

١٤. وجفونٌ تشيرُ بالحبِّ منها
عن فؤادٍ إلى فؤادٍ سفيرُ

15. As if to portray what cannot be depicted
When conversation turns to you, it's said,

١٥. وَقَعتْ لَحظَةٌ على القَلبِ منها
أَفلا يَترُك الحَشا ويَطيرُ

16. "Can silk embroider silk?" You show no mercy
To one ensnared by your bracelet, now your captive

١٦. يَطْبَعُ الوَشيُ فَوقَ حُسنِكَ لَمساً
مِنهُ أَمثالُ ما له تَصويرُ

17. When will you show mercy to one madly in love?
Leave me be, for a calamity looms ahead

١٧. فَإِذا ما نَمى الحديثُ إِلَيها
قيلَ هَل يَنقُشُ الحريرَ حريرُ

18. Beckoning with bent twigs, signaling and pointing
My separation rages within, churning my grief,

١٨. أَنتِ لا تُرحمين منك فيفدَى
مِعْصَماً في السوار منه أَسيرُ

19. My tears flowing ceaselessly from my eyes
She said, "I cannot see it as lawful, this embrace between us"

١٩. فمتى يَرْحَمُ الصِّبا منك صَبّاً
فاضَ مُستَولِياً عَلَيه القتيرُ

20. I said, "This I know, yet today I ask what does no harm"
"Let a glance be provision for this body, whose spirit will remain

٢٠. ودعيني فقد تَعَرّضَ بَيْنٌ
بوشيكِ النوى إليَّ يُشيرُ

21. In your hands and then travel on its way"
"I remain bereft of my solace, while the faith of true guidance guards me"

٢١. وَغَلى بالفراقِ مِرْجَلُ حُزْني
فهو بالدّمع من جْفُوني يفُورُ

22. "A King whom even kings fear his might"
"Or else the wolves would prey on livestock unfettered"

٢٢. قالت اللثمُ لا أراهُ حَلالاً
بيننا والعناقُ حظٌّ كبيرُ

23. His firm principles surpass all, his reign prosperous
A determined foe of detractors, his arrows flew freely

٢٣. قلت هذا علمتُهُ غيرَ أنّي
أسألُ اليومَ منك ما لا يضيرُ

24. Piercing deep in their breasts, shattering their hearts
His sword protected the frontiers, no enemies daring to breach them

٢٤. فاجعلي اللَّحظَ زادَ جسمٍ سيبقى
روحُهُ في يديكِ ثُمَّ يَسيرُ

25. A generous man - if he were rain, rocks would bloom!
You'd think the sea but a portion of his vast bounty, if not

٢٥. فَلِيَ الشوقُ خاذلٌ عن سُلُوّي
وَلِدينِ الهدى علَيَّ نَصيرُ

26. For its sweet and pleasant waters, ever-flowing
Tell me, who dares vie with Ali's superiority?

٢٦. مَلِكٌ تَتّقي الملوكُ سَنَاهُ
أوَ مَا يَفْرِسُ الذئابَ الهَصُورُ

27. Impossible to equal, his ways arcane and complex
Through his good deeds he is rich, while iron depends on his might

٢٧. وهو ضارٍ آجامُهُ ذُبّل الخطّ
على مُقْتَضَى العلى وقصورُ

28. How many fateful battles has he fought, their blood flowing in streams!
His land filled with spark-shooting swords, the skies filled with eagles

٢٨. حازمٌ للطِّعان أشرَعَ سمراً
حُطِمَتْ في الصدورِ مِنها صُدورُ

29. Producing corpses of enemies come the Day of Resurrection
An army whose dawn is dark with bloodshed, death laughing amidst them

٢٩. وَحَمَى سَيْفُهُ الثّغورَ فما تَق
رَبُ رَشْفَ العُدَاةِ منها ثغورُ

30. Their eggs hatching myriad deaths through the wedding of wars
Their darkness like clouds, lightning striking forth rain

٣٠. ذو عَطاءٍ لَوَ انّهُ كان غيثاً
أورَقَتْ في المحولِ مِنهُ الصخورُ

31. Horses, swords, and banners like sea, stream, and pool
When battle stretched on, even death feared his perseverance

٣١. تَحسِبُ البحرَ بَعضَ جَدواهُ لَولا
أَنَّهُ في الورودِ عَذبٌ نَميرُ

32. His right hand holding the demise of multitudes, ants writhing!
He called out while soaring like an eagle, seeming vultures to them

٣٢. مَن تَراهُ يَحِدُّ فَضْلَ عَلِيٍّ
وهو مُسْتَصْعَبُ المرَام عسيرُ

33. Their powerless talons no match for him
Struck by Ali's hands profusely they perished, stripped of life

٣٣. فَبِمَعروفِهِ الخِضَمِّ غَنِيٌّ
وإلى بأسه الحديدُ فقيرُ

34. His sharp sword severing heads once proud crowns
With a mere glance, he defeated the Romans' sight

٣٤. كَم لَهُ مِن خَميسِ حَربٍ رَحاها
بِسيولٍ منَ الغُمودِ تَدورُ

35. Plunging them into darkness though he was light
Eyes dimmed unto death beholding him

٣٥. أَرضُهُ مِن سَنابِكٍ قادِحاتٍ
شَرَرَ النّقْعِ والسماءُ نسورُ

36. As if locusts swarmed all around
Oh son of Yahya, praised in every abode

٣٦. واجِداتُ القِرى بِقَتلى الأَعادي
مِن حَشاها لَدى النشورِ نُشورُ

37. For your noble traits, tongues sing your praises
The awe you evoke in foes is an army

٣٧. جَحفَلٌ صُبْحُهُ منَ النقعِ لَيْلٌ
يضْحَكُ الموتُ فيه وهو بَسُورُ

38. Striking fear into hearts with its approach
Your glistening swords make the valleys quiver

٣٨. تَضَعُ البيضُ مِنهُ سودَ المَنايا
بِنِكاحِ الحروبِ وهيَ ذكورُ

39. Whenever clashing with armor they roar
Your shields are woven so fine, exceeding all measure

٣٩. وَكَأنَّ القتامَ فيها غَمامٌ
بِنَجيعٍ مِنَ البروقِ مَطيرُ

40. Like small snakes, rows of troops writ large
You emboldened the cowardly, predators nearing

٤٠. وكأنَّ الجوادَ والسيفَ واللأ
مَةَ بحرٌ وجدولٌ وغديرُ

41. Was to them like flames engulfing their bones
Your striking inflicted wounds like fiery water

٤١. وإذا ما استطالَ جبّارُ حربٍ
يَجزِعُ الموتُ منهُ وهوَ صَبورُ

42. This fortunate year saw you at the perfect time
To visit your tomb, still a passionate youth

٤٢. والتَظى في اليَمينِ منه يَمانٍ
كاد للأثر منه نَمْلٌ يَثورُ

43. Yearning for your greatness, and for you he came
From you shone the majesty of the Supreme

٤٣. ودعا وهو كالعُقاب كماةً
لهمُ كالبُغاثِ عنه قصورُ

44. A defiant King and mighty rule
In your palace court, he saw a gathering with no peer

٤٤. جَدَلتهُ يَدا عَلِيٍّ بعَضْبٍ
لِرُبوعِ الحياةِ منه دُثُورُ

45. Where virtues are traded, profits never fading
Eulogists seem like Eucharises filled to praise you

٤٥. فَغَدا عاطِلاً مِنَ الرأسِ لَمّا
كَانَ طَوْقاً له الحسامُ البتورُ

46. With melodies to which even doves and larks submit
You live in prosperity, joy upon joy

٤٦. لَحظَ الرومَ منهُ ناظرُ جَفْنٍ
للرّدى فيه ظُلْمَهٌ وهوَ نورُ

47. Glory eternal, kingdom and bliss abound

٤٧. رَمِدَتْ للمَنونِ فيهِ عُيونٌ
فَكأَنَّ الفِرِنْدَ فيه ذَرَورُ