1. Now every intimidated one is terrified,
And the religion of Muhammad is honored through Muhammad.
١. الآن أفْرَخَ رَوْعُ كلّ مُهَيَّدِ
وأُعِزّ دينُ مُحَمَّدٍ بِمُحَمَّدِ
2. If the victory of Allah opened its doors,
Your father took the initiative to knock on it with spears.
٢. إنْ كانَ نَصْرُ اللَّه فَتّحَ بابَهُ
فأبوكَ بادرَ قَرْعَهُ بِمُهنَّدِ
3. And he led the party of Allah towards their enemy,
So war cripples the obstinate transgressor.
٣. واقتادَ حِزْبَ اللَّه نَحوَ عَدُوِّهِ
فالحرْبُ تَجْدَعُ مَعْطِسَ المُتَمرِّدِ
4. In a great army atop which its darkness towers,
Like the green steam amidst raging storms.
٤. في جَحفَلٍ يَعلُو عَلَيهِ قَتَامُهُ
كَبُخارِ أخْضَرَ بالعَواصِفِ مُزْبِدِ
5. The eyelids of the swords were dazzled by him with a piercing,
Like a lion in the thickets of the twisting valley.
٥. صُدِمَتْ جفونُ الفُنشِ منه بِمفعَمٍ
بالأُسْدِ في غَيْلِ القَنا المُتأوِّدِ
6. It is as if he gathered firewood and drove them,
With a burning strike by the swords ignited.
٦. وَكَأنَّما احتَطَبَ العلوجَ وساقَهَمْ
بِحَريقِ ضَربٍ بِالصَّوارمِ مُوقَدِ
7. His battalions crushed the hyenas until when
They attempted to attack him, he gave a deadly blow.
٧. صَدَعَتْ كتائبَهُ الظُّبا حتَّى إذا
هَمّتْ بهِ أعطى قَذَالَ مُعَرِّدِ
8. On a night that dressed to hide his persona from us
So no eye of one awake glimpsed him.
٨. في لَيلَةٍ لَبِسَتْ لِتَستُرَ شَخْصَهُ
عنّا فلم تَلْحَظْهُ عَينُ الفَرقَدِ
9. He ended up denying hundreds in darkness
Which obscured him, yet to him it is white-handed.
٩. أَمسى يُكَذِّبُ مائِناً في ظُلمَةٍ
خَفَرَتْهُ فهيَ لديه بَيضاءُ اليَدِ
10. The shine of his unsheathed sword emulated lightning,
And thunder in caution, the tumult of the naked.
١٠. وَلَّى يُحاكي البرقَ لَمعُ مُجَرَّدٍ
والرَّعدَ في حَذَرٍ تحَمْحُمُ أجرَدِ
11. The steed gallops with him over his horsemen
Dead bodies as if they were sleeping.
١١. يعدو الجوادُ به على فُرسانِهِ
صَرْعَى كأنّهُمُ نشاوى مُرْقِدِ
12. From every intoxicated one from wine and from
A sharpened blade for one with deadly assault upon him.
١٢. مِنْ كُلِّ ذي سَكَرينِ مِن خَمرٍ ومِن
حَدٍّ لِذي فَتكٍ عَلَيهِ مُعَربِدِ
13. Minarets are built from their heads for what
Used to demolish minarets voraciously.
١٣. تُبْنَى الصّوامِعُ مِن رُؤوسِهِمُ بما
كَانَت على هَدمِ الصَّوامِعِ تَغتَدي
14. And war from the eggs of the cockerels as if
The leaders penetrated them in al-Fadfad.
١٤. وَالحَربُ من بيضِ الذُّكورِ كَأنَّما
باضَتْ بِهِنَّ رقائِدٌ في الفَدفَدِ