
Are you my redeemer from the anguish in my heart, O pillar of my soul,

هل أنت فادية فؤاد عميد

1. Are you my redeemer from the anguish in my heart, O pillar of my soul,
Or are you, in your deadly ways, not afraid of punishing the servants of God?

١. هلْ أنتِ فاديَةٌ فؤادَ عميدِ
من لوعةٍ في الصّدْرِ ذاتِ وَقُودِ

2. If your swords do not refrain from wanton shedding,
Then their sharp edges are not made of steel.

٢. أم أنتِ في الفَتَكاتِ لا تخشَينَ في
قَتلِ العبادِ عُقوبةَ المَعبودِ

3. Say, how can you show affection to a lover
When you do not grant him a glance of favor?

٣. إِن كَانَ لا تَنبُو سُيوفُكِ عن حَشا
صَبٍّ فَلَيسَ حِدادُها بِحَديدِ

4. Had I clung to the wine of her mouth,
I would have feared the sharpness of her arched eyebrow.

٤. قُلْ كَيفَ تَعطِفُ بِالوِصالِ لِعاشِقٍ
من لا تجودُ له بِعَطْفَةِ جيدِ

5. If you wish to slake a thirst, then pour
The water of beauty over the rose apple of her cheek.

٥. لَو بِتّ مُغتَبِقاً مُدامةَ ريقِها
لَخَشيتُ صارمَ جَفنِها العِربِيدِ

6. A coquette makes the heart of the dignified sick
Just as the love for a coquette makes the heart sick.

٦. إِن شِئتَ أن تَطْوي على ظَمَأٍ فَرِدْ
ماءَ المَحاسِنِ فَوْقَ وَجْنَةِ رُودِ

7. My eyes wrote her a message of union
But the glance of her eye erased it with coldness.

٧. غيداءُ يُسقِمُ بالملاحةِ دَلُّهَا
جِسمَ العَميدِ كَذاكَ دلّ الغيدِ

8. The warbling of a singing bird awakens my sobbing
Adorned with the instrument of melody.

٨. كَتَبَتْ لها وَصلاً إِشارةُ ناظِري
فَمَحاهُ ناظِرُ طَرفِها بِصُدودِ

9. The bracelets of the night knock against its feathers
With undiscovered uniquely precious gems.

٩. وَلَقَد يَهيجُ لِيَ البُكاءَ صَبابَةً
شادٍ مُطوَّقُ آلةِ التّغريدِ

10. It sang to the melody of a lute that sounded
Like the reciprocal chanting in the monastery.

١٠. باتَت سَواري الطَلِّ تَضرِبُ ريشَهُ
بجواهرٍ لم تَدْرِ سِلْكَ فريدِ

11. And the night demolished raising with its darkness
The white domes over the dark minarets.

١١. غَنّى عَلى عُودٍ يَميسُ بِهِ كَما
غَنّى التَقابُلَ مَعْبَدٌ في العُودِ

12. And the dawn picks up from its set of stars
Whatever was scattered in the horizons.

١٢. واللَّيل قَوّضَ رافِعاً من شَبهِهِ
بيضَ القبابِ على نَجائبَ سُودِ

13. A flower whose lights have faded, as though it were
The lamps of musk, extinguished into stillness.

١٣. والصبحُ يلقط من جُمَانِ نجومِهِ
ما كانَ في الآفاقِ ذا تَبديدِ

14. Like the flowers of Nawar, plucked from
Every green meadow overflowing with generosity.

١٤. زُهْرٌ خَبَتْ أنوارُهَا فَكَأَنَّها
سُرُجُ المَشاكي عُولِجَت بِخُمودِ

15. Like arrows with which its horsemen stabbed,
Then refrained from spearing with composure.

١٥. كَأَزاهِرِ النُوّارِ تَقطِفُها مَهاً
مِن كُلّ مُخضرِّ البقاع مَجُودِ

16. Like the eyes of lovers which kar gave permission
To those who had sweetened them with wooing.

١٦. كَأَسِنَّةٍ طَعَنَتْ بها فُرسانُها
ثُمَّ امتَسكنَ عَنِ القَنا بِكبودِ

17. And the dawn flashes time after time
Like the unsheathing of a polished sword.

١٧. كَعُيونِ عُشّاقٍ أبَاحَ لها الكَرى
مَنْ كان عَذّبَهُنّ بالتَّسهِيدِ

18. And those dark shadows dispersed from the brilliance
Of a blade that splits its determination with firmness.

١٨. والصبحُ يبرقُ كرّةً في كرّةٍ
مِثلَ استلالِ الصارِمِ المَغمودِ

19. I have experienced time like an experienced experimenter,
And conversed with its hidden side with loaded integrity.

١٩. وَتَفرَّقَت تِلكَ الغَياهِبُ عَن سَنا
فلقٍ يُفَلّقُ هامَها بِعَمُودِ

20. In it, fortune is submissive to my palm,
Benighted with ignorance from the light of sciences.

٢٠. إِنِّي خَبرتُ الدَّهر خُبْرَ مُجَرّبٍ
وكلمْتُ غاربَهُ بِحَمْلِ قتودِ

21. And praise among people is not guaranteed
Except for Ahmad, the Most High, the Most Generous.

٢١. فالحَظّ فيهِ طَوْعُ كَفّيْ مُظْلِمٍ
بِالجَهلِ مِن نورِ العُلومِ بَلِيدِ

22. One who does not bestow gifts upon the destitute
Until he bestows upon them his inheritance.

٢٢. والحَمدُ في الأَقوامِ غَيرُ مُسَلّمٍ
إلّا لأحمدَ ذي العُلى والجُودِ

23. He ripped through conventions with a rending sword,
A cloud bursting with thunder, shaking off sluggishness.

٢٣. مَن لا يَجودُ على العُفاةِ بطارِفٍ
حَتّى يَجودَ عليهمُ بِتَليدِ

24. He takes refuge in a noble lineage, his house
Extending to the times of 'Aad and Thamood in the heights.

٢٤. خَرَقَ العوائدَ منه خِرْقٌ سَيْبُهُ
ثَرُّ الغَمائِمِ مورقُ الجُلمودِ

25. Circling through the sublime degrees,
With the full moon in the constellations warbling.

٢٥. يأوي إلى شَرَفٍ تَقَادَمَ بيتُهُ
أَزمانَ عادٍ في العلى وثَمودِ

26. Like the sun, his position is far in the sky
Yet his rays on earth are not far.

٢٦. مُتَردِّدٌ في سامِياتِ مَراتِبٍ
والبَدرُ في الأَبراجِ ذو تَغريدِ

27. He meets the faces of those seeking refuge with a smile
Of affability and a hand sweeping with generosity.

٢٧. كَالشَّمسِ يَبْعُدُ في السماءِ مَحَلُّها
وشُعاعُها في الأَرضِ غَيرُ بَعيدِ

28. His honor remains unattached to any liability
And his gifts incessantly undeviating.

٢٨. يَلقى وُجوهَ المُعتَفينَ بِغُرّةٍ
بَسّامَةٍ ويدٍ تَسُحّ بِجُودِ

29. In his abode is a fertile garden, its fertility
Eternally irrigated from a running spring.

٢٩. ما زال يشردُ عِرْضُهُ عن ذمّةٍ
وعَطاؤُهُ بالمَطلِ غَيرُ شَريدِ

30. It is as if the night has within it stairways
Where its delegations meet with delegations.

٣٠. في رَبعِهِ رَوضٌ مَرُودٌ خِصْبُهُ
أبداً مُصَاقِبُ مَنْهَلٍ مَورودِ

31. The generous rushed ahead in his footsteps
Like the constantly advancing feet of a tall ostrich.

٣١. وكَأَنَّما لِلّيْلِ فيه مدارِجٌ
عِندَ التِقاءِ وفودِهِ بِوفودِ

32. The turner of the two palms in the work of the Most High
Has never ceased bestowing and building.

٣٢. سَبقَ الكِرامَ وأَقبَلوا في إِثرِهِ
كَسِنانِ مُطّرِدِ الكُعُوبِ مَديدِ

33. And glory - your hands do not raise its building
Except with wealth, laid down with dew.

٣٣. مُتَصرّفُ الكَفّيْنِ في شُغُلِ العُلى
لَم يَخلُ من بَذلٍ وَمِن تَشييدِ

34. O son of mastership, leadership and sublimity,
And great forefathers, great ancestors,

٣٤. والمجدُ لا تُعْلي يَداك بناءَهُ
إلّا بِمالٍ بِالنَدى مَهدودِ

35. Take them gathered like stars, wonders
To which its poem is watered with every poem.

٣٥. يا ابن السيادةِ والرّياسةِ والعُلَى
وعظيمِ آباءٍ عظيمِ جُدودِ

36. Its necklaces were fastened upon you and long ago
Poems were composed for the generous kings.

٣٦. خُذْهَا كَمُنتَظَمِ الجُمانِ غَرائِباً
تُرْوَى قَصيدَتُها بِكُلِّ قَصيدِ

٣٧. نِيطَتْ عَلَيكَ عُقودُهَا وَلَطالَما
نُظِمَتْ لأَجيادِ المُلوكِ عُقودي